recs new and old, and a website update

Mar 07, 2009 11:34

I was reacquainting myself with my computer and found an unfamiliar-looking directory. "Ho, what's this?" I said to myself, and looked at it, and oh, it was the various bits and pieces I had put together for my ds_northernnews artwork entry last year ( Unexpected Hazards of Global Warming, dS, Fraser and RayK gen) which I had somehow neglected to put on my website and therefore completely forgotten about! And I also realized that I had forgotten to add it and Sharp Dressed Man (S&A, Darren vidlet) to the year-in-review post I made at the end of December, which needed to be fixed up anyway. So now, everything is linked and on my website, Hieroglyfics.

While I was working on my site, I figured I'd also add the 23 recs I made since the last update (mostly LotR, dS, and small fandoms), as well as the following new(ish) recs:

Magnetic by Aria (ariastar) | due South: Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio, novella, R. Kowalski comes back from Canada and gets partnered with Vecchio; then Fraser returns to Chicago. I liked the narrative voice, and the use of metaphor, and the understated bits where you just see their understanding of each other. I love OT3 but have a hard time buying it; this, I buy.

Elves! by Leyna (leyna55) | due South: Fraser and Kowalski, art, G. Ray and Fraser as ELVES! Heeeeee!

You Weren’t Born a Killer (But You Can’t Tell That No More) by riverlight | 3:10 to Yuma, gen, short story, R. Charlie Prince backstory and how he met Wade. I love the narrative voice, which fits the source so well. A splendid imagining of the most intriguing minor character in the film, and a great Wade as well. One bit pinged me oddly: the use of the phrasing, “you’re not the boss of me” which - I thought - is contemporary usage. But according to Language Log it dates back to at least 1883, so it’s not a stretch to imagine it here!

Oh, and some other fun stuff you may not have seen:

meresy linked to this guy who thinks "fan fiction needs to stop". It made me sporfle. And the comments made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

iibnf made this totally awesome XKCD parody. I think it's a universal law of cats.

Speaking of cats, mine is in my lap, so I think she's finally forgiven me for 1) abandoning her at the in-laws' ranch for twelve weeks, and 2) taking her away from the in-laws' ranch. Oops, she must know I am writing about her, because she just sniffed and jumped off my lap.

recs:due south, recs:other, website, recs, art, interesting pointers, language

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