sub-meme levels of blah

May 06, 2008 15:16

The photo meme won in my meme me poll, but then ltlj posted something about the evils of hotlinking and I thought, hmm, maybe I should save all the photos I find and put them on my scrapbook before posting, but it just seems like so much trouble to go to. Besides, I am still dithering on my favorite drink. Clearly, I should have memed while the meme-iron was hot. I just - I dunno. Still feeling low about my damn back, which has not stopped hurting and in fact seems to be getting worse despite supposedly good-for-me stretching, walking, and drugs. *cries*

But speaking of photos, I know I have some PoTC fans on my flist - can any of you point me to a place I might find screencaps (particularly of the second movie)?

In other news, benebu, who was a remixthedrabble participant, translated one of my untitled Snape/Harry ficlets into French. My French is only good enough to be amused by the fact that "wand" is apparently "baguette" (cue wizards fighting with loaves of bread!) but I'm impressed and delighted that she kept the exact wordcount of 150. Because to me, that's the point, as much an essential part of the ficlet as the plot.

I have Ideas for the new ds_flashfiction Superpower challenge. Like, five of them. Whether I actually manage to write one is another matter. *kicks writing mojo*

This was a pretty worthless post, wasn't it. Even more worthless than a meme.

translation, meanderings, hp, flist knows all

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