Nov 26, 2007 20:22
I am back in Colorado, where winter seems to have abruptly arrived. Ooh, snow! Pretty!
Of course, that same snow showed up in southern Arizona, where we were backpacking and rock climbing, and it was not at all welcome. Phooey. We did get some climbing in, although it would have been far more enjoyable had the wind not blown at freezingly OMGmph, and we packed in a traditional-ish Thanksgiving dinner, for which I carried three fucking liters of wine. A pint's a pound the world around. Oog. No couples broke up on this trip, but one of our acquaintances whom I only tolerated before, I now completely loathe.
I managed to scrape up the back of my left hand as well as the crystal face on my watch beyond readability, although that's of no matter since now that I am old I cannot actually read my watch any more. At least, not until my new progressive bifocals arrive. (Do not laugh at me! I am old! And last month I bought two pairs of glasses not realizing that with them I would not be able to see anything closer than 10 feet from me, so, argh! At least they were cheap?) I also managed to come up with a plot for my DSSS story that I'm certain will please my recipient. And I wrote a few hundred words of it longhand, longhand, can you believe it?
I am slowly catching up on all your posts, because I cannot bear to miss a single one despite my extreme busyness in matters both fannish and non. Skip=a zillion, I spit on you! Previous 30, again and again!
Hi, I am drinking red wine and eating some of my chocolate haul from last week. Woo! Happy winter!
*rotates in the Santa-hat icon for the season*
*smooches you all*