During last night's lj outage I played on
GreatestJournal, signed up with
Twitter, and watched the last set of vids for my
strangefandom assignment.
I have to say, watching vids about characters I don't know set to music I've never heard (and generally don't like; my musical taste is pretty much mired in the past century) isn't actually fun. Especially when the songs are reaaaaaally long. I think I would have enjoyed it more if the fandoms I chose had turned out to have major eye candy - I remember being stunned by the Highlander vid I saw at
con_txt because OMG PETER WINGFIELD GUH - but mostly I had to pull my "what this fandom is actually about" descriptions completely out of my ass. (Which of course is the whole point of
strangefandom; I'm looking forward to seeing what others thought of these fandoms, and what Strangers thought of the fandoms I know a little about.)
Here are some vid recs for fandoms I actually am in, and if you read this journal, you're probably in at least one of them, too. Download them now (or bookmark the streaming versions) so you have something to do the next time lj goes down! Or better yet, watch them now, because they're just that good. (Note that all have spoilers through most recent aired season of each show.)
DNA by
cesperanza | Ensemble gen, vid. What do Michael, Teyla (The Gift), John (Conversion), and Elia (Instinct) have in common? Heh. No science was harmed in the making of this vid, but it was sure bent a little - then again, SGA does that regularly, doesn't it. This is hilarious, and the clip choice rocks like a rocking thing.
New Shoes by
taleonmahal | Sylar gen, vid. The metaphor is perfect, the vid perfectly creepy. This is not a vid I'd recommend for anyone who hasn't watched the series, both because of spoilers and because a lot of the sense of the vid depends on the viewer's knowlege of context, but if you're a Heroes fan, it's amazing.
due South:
That's All by
sdwolfpup | Ray/Ray, vid. This awesome vid makes me flail with delight. I can't imagine the technical artistry required to make a shippy vid about two characters who share only a tiny amount of screentime, whose relationship is 95% fanon, but
sdwolfpup has pulled it off beautifully. As constructed reality, it makes perfect narrative sense. I love it!
Oh, also I wrote a little SGA ficlet inspired by last night's events:
Network Outage (McKay/Sheppard, PG).