Despite the rather miserable start to my day yesterday, things are much better chez Isis.
- Big thanks to everyone who commiserated with me on my tale of woe. Seriously, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. The only interaction I have with most of you is through the comments we leave on each others' journals, and when you take the time to pet me when I'm down (which isn't too frequently, fortunately!) it really helps.
- Also, I got stuff! In the mail! I got cards from jaebi_lit and dementordelta and china_shop (was that supposed to be Callum in a Santa outfit? :-) and a card from scriggle with the most awesome handmade cross-stitch (that's what it's called, right?) bookmark! It says "ISIS" and it has sailboats on it! And I got, um, something from korestemenos that I don't know what it is, but it's pretty.
- I also obtained (*cough*) and watched the latest episode of SGA, which continues to convince me that the writers are reading our journals gleefully. It's like S3 is fanfiction of the first two seasons. I have to say that the HDTV versions of these shows look amazing on the big screen, but the sound is always fairly low. (And thanks again to everyone who suggested DVD/DivX players.)
- I am also enjoying the ds_flashfiction holiday party! Lookit the pretty Bob Fraser icon spikesloveslave made me!
Um, okay, I think I have used my quota of exclamation points in one post.
I see that the fic year-in-review meme has started cropping up. I can't do it yet - I still have stories to write! And I hate not being able to point to my seekrit stories, so I am going to wait until after all the reveals. But it's safe to say that this has been a very multifandom year.
I keep thinking there's more I want to write about, but I should really get cracking on these stories.