long update o' randomness

Oct 04, 2006 13:58

  • I woke up far too early this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. So I crept downstairs, sat in my comfy chair with my laptop, and watched the last two episodes of Slings & Arrows. So much love. Yeah, I wept pretty continuously during the last one. And since I have been assiduously avoiding spoilers, if you posted anything about the conclusion of the run, please link me so I can read it now? My thoughts, only very slightly spoilery: I was made happy enough by the "lesbian pothead" exchange between Anna and Maria that I no longer need the Anna/Maria fic I'd been dreaming about. In fact, I almost think I don't need any fic at all for this show - it's so wonderfully rich by itself. I wish I could create something as glorious. I loved it so much, every episode more than the one before, and the finale just made my heart glow.
  • More translations of my HP stories, yay! You can now read An Ass of Himself in Russian, and Oral Sex and its sequel The Morning After in French. Um, assuming you can read Russian and French.
  • I was tagged for stop_drop_porn's "Anything Goes" week, and duly produced Unbelievable, a hard-R Welsh/Thatcher coda to "Seeing Is Believing," a.k.a. the episode in which Fraser hypnotizes everybody. I think the ratio of dark humor to porn is a little more than stories in this community are supposed to have, but, come on, people! Welsh/Thatcher! What was I supposed to do?
  • This menstrual cycle marks my more-or-less two year anniversary using the Diva Cup, which as those of you who went to con_txt know (to your embarrassed chagrin, no doubt) I enthusiastically recommend. I didn't have a big learning curve, maybe because before switching I used o.b. tampons (the applicatorless kind). I think the Diva Cup is easy to use, odorless (tampons seem icky-stinky to me now), comfy, environmentally yay, cost-effective, and an all-around win. Plus, made in CANADA!
  • This weekend, my play opens, with shows Friday evening, Saturday matinee, and Saturday evening. Then, on Sunday I run a marathon. On Monday, I plan to be dead.
  • svmadelyn has an interesting poll on fandom interactions. I'm pretty sure the results will show that we are all similarly neurotic about the same stuff, but I always find this sort of stuff cool, even if it makes me a bit uncomfortable. The questions about approachability, trust, and people who don't know you exist but you think you'd get along with echoed some recent (somewhat tangential) conversations I've had via email and in comments on other ljs. There's a difficult divide in fandom between fannish identity and real life. On the one hand, we (mostly) know each others by pseudonyms, and know more about each other's sexual kinks than, say, what we do for a living or for (nonfannish) fun. On the other hand, fandom does connect us, and we may see certain sparks in each other than makes us yearn for a closer connection. The problem, of course, is trust: how can you really get to know me unless I trust you with my real self rather than my fannish facade - but how can I trust you with this unless I've really gotten to know you? For example, I'm fairly close-mouthed with my real name, because it's unusual and easily googleable. But I wonder whether there are people I know through fandom who think me rude and standoffish because I don't offer it, and who therefore avoid holding out their hands in friendship to me, even though doing that would make me comfortable enough to offer my name? It's always a risk, or at least it feels like it, to take that first step into real friendship. But the real friendships I've made through fandom have been incredibly rewarding, and there are many of you I'd love to know better.

fandom, translation, meanderings, s&a, due south, navel-gazing, fic, interesting pointers

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