Callum dreams

Jul 19, 2006 08:23

Last week in the stargate episode comm the mods posted a reminder for people to not request unaired episodes, which made me (and a lot of others) giggle. But apparently it happens, and now I understand why. See, last night, I dreamed I was watching the BSG season premiere. Except of course all I saw were scenes put together from the various spoilery photos on my flist (I don't mind being spoiled for BSG, since it's a show I don't watch) because I kept getting interrupted and taken away from the TV for various reasons (including a naked guy who wanted to use our hot tub. He's someone I vaguely know through local politics, but I have never ever even thought about wanting to see him naked. Also, we don't have a hot tub, but that's no big deal as we don't have a TV either).

So when I woke up I thought, whew, I hope I can get a download so I can see what I missed.

Then I really woke up.

In somewhat tangential musing, my ovaries don't explode and it sort of weirds me out when people post that, because, OW. I don't associate ovaries with any pleasurable part of my reproductive system (so neither do I "spontaneously ovulate" upon reading hawt smut). Unfortunate metaphors aside, I am also not particularly affected by the sight of sexy men with children or babies. Kittens or puppies, on the other hand? Awww. (But no exploding ovaries.)

Actually, this was the third Callumish dream I've had in the last few weeks. None of them have been particularly sexy, even though in the first one he was, in fact, my boyfriend. In the second one he and Jim Allodi were together at a party I was at, and they tried to sell me something (like, insurance!) and I gave them my email address because even if they were just going to use it to try to sell me insurance, hey, Jim and Callum wanted my email address!

ETA: and I am now isiscolo on Vox. Woo. (Still not early enough to snag isis, darn.)

dreams, meanderings, ckr

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