Oh my God, it's actually done! Took a little over two years, but... here you go. Thank you as always to
Andacus for her cheerleading, beta and concept-building contributions. Also, thanks to
kileaiya for forever influencing how I see James. The link for the last chapter goes to ffn because it's FAR too large for LJ to put in one post. If you'd rather read it from the start at ffn,
this is the link.
Four Girls Sirius Black Could Have Fallen In Love With (And One He Did)
By - Isis_uf
Rating - M
Pairings - SB/OC(s), S/L, J/L, J/OC, RL/OC
Warnings - Semi-canon, somewhat graphic sex, het, cursing, adult themes, emotional infidelity, references to wartime violence and oodles of OCs
Part i - Annie, Part ii - Lily |
Part iii - Maura |
Part iv - Stella |
Part v - Clio