Why is it always lists?

Oct 18, 2012 09:31

I haven't posted in... too long. So, here's things.

1) Dan will be on furlough (probably not for terribly long... a month or so) starting somewhere between ten days from now and November 22nd. Honestly? I'm kinda looking forward to it. Also? He shaved his head. I'm not certain, but I think it might have been partly due to much talk about how Wentworth Miller is ridiculously hot... It looks good, honestly. He's had the same haircut since he was 16 and it was making him look younger than he is (not in a great way).

2) Ava has been.... let's go with 'challenging' lately. Extremely argumentative, a little bit of regression in maturity, clingy, somewhat agressive (bit the hell out of her poor brother yesterday) and generally wildly frustrating. Screaming in my face is not okay. Copying everything I say is annoying as all hell. Acting like a baby is just ridiculous. And kicking/hitting/biting is seriously a problem. I know this isn't abnormal for a four-year-old (even though it's totally not acceptable) and I'm coping and working with her, but I won't say the frustration hasn't reduced me to tears a couple of times.

3) I have done zero plotting for my next story in my Prison Break series. Ooops? I was going to do it for NaNoWriMo, but frankly I don't know how that works with two preschool aged kids (especially when Ava is acting like this). I don't have three or four hours a day to commit. I just... I don't. Really, I don't know how I did it last time. And honestly I really want finish "Four Girls Sirius Black Could Have Fallen in Love With (And One He Did)" because it's been sitting 90% finished for like... eight months. So... yeah that's coming first (probably after the canon ending I'm writing an epilogue with AU endings because DAMN but canon is depressing like woah). So... it'll happen. Just probably not by the end of the year (though possibly I'll get a good chunk done once Dan's on furlough).

4) So, I'm watching Vampire Diaries (of course), Walking Dead, Revolution and Arrow (for now) this season. Anything rocking I'm missing out on? Vampire Diaries' premiere underwhelmed me (but their premiere always seems to?), Walking Dead was pretty great (though I desperately wanted to point out to Lori that if she dies in childbirth and comes back a walker, her baby is dead no matter what because it's not like they have baby formula lying around), Revolution feels like it's still finding its footing but I think it could be great if Charlie became less unrealistically naive and irksome, and Arrow... well, you just keep doing half-naked gratuitous excersize scenes and I'll keep on watching, mkay?

5) Guild Wars 2 has kinda fizzled for me. Loved it to start with but high end content is madly lacking and people creating drama is absurdly annoying. Don't they play these kind of games to get away from drama in their lives? I'm kinda wanting to play some Sims? Lets pretend I have time for either of these things.

6) The Twelve (sequel to The Passage) came out Tuesday! I was there when the bookstore opened to buy it. I've only had time to read the prologue so far, but I'm super excited about it. I do wish I hadn't loaned out The Passage though because I feel like I really could use a refresher...Anyhow, if you like zombies or apocolypses, go get these books. For srs. It's good stuff.

I know there's other things but my brain doesn't work today... So, anyhow, there's a brief update on my life. FUN TIMES RIGHT? I lead such an exciting existence...

life, post-apocolyptic stuff makes me happy, writing, mmorpg, list, vampire diaries, dan dan the tax man, kids

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