Shawn kept telling me that he was going to have "fish toes" for breakfast. It made a lot more sense when Dan yelled "Shawn! Your French toast is ready!" LOL
I get the keys in two hours. I slept very little because brain was fixate on how much I have to get done. Of course now I'm tired and will ironically get less done...
I dreamt I was at some kind of movie and Matt Bomer was sitting next to Michael Weatherly and some other dude all chatting away in the same row as me. I didnt approach them and i dreamt that I was too nice to snap a picture and that I then went and flailed on my LJ but I kept having typos and since there were no pictures no one believed me. Even in my dreams I'm too nice.
Oh but then I kept dreaming about leaving my kids places... I was less nice in those dreams I guess
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