Hi guys, it's actually me and not
andacus (thanks for posting for me, Andi). No the baby isn't here yet, but she's getting much closer. Contractions have sped up a lot both in intensity and frequency, which has me going both yay and OMFGOuch. Yeah, I know, I'm posting while in labor. I might maybe have an internet addiction, but whatever. Dan finally managed to get the wifi to sort of work in our room (by 'sort of' I mean it took me almost an hour just to get to where I could post something).
In short, the scoop is this, my blood pressure is back down, which is great. The baby's vitals look great and have the whole time. They've been trying to induce labor for 30 hours now. They started because of the blood pressure, which they thought might be a sign of early preeclampsia. They gave me the option of stopping and going home this morning since my bp was under control, but the idea of having gone through all this for nothing had me near tears (along with the hormones they've pumped me full of to try and help me dialate). So, I told them I wanted to keep going. I didn't make any progress at all for the first 24 hour or so, which was massively incredibly frustrating. But, things are moving a lot more swiftly now and I could go into active labor pretty much at any moment (or it could take 'a long time'). Last time they checked, i was 3 cm dialated, but that was before they put me on the pitocin, which has upped my contractions to probably one every minute or so and upped the intensity too, so I'm hoping to be at or near 4 cm next time they check.
Thanks for all the well wishes, guys! I'm achy and frustrated and in some pain, but it's bearable at the moment. Really, I just want to get this over with at this point and seeing all your comments was pretty heartening while feeling so tense. I won't post again until after she's born, but I will text message a photo of her after she makes her debute to those of you whose cell phones I have the number of and who can get photo messages.