Nov 28, 2007 11:17
I have mixed feelings about my brother going to work for Pegasus. On one hand I am happy that he is getting a job where his boss will not insult or throw things at him. On the other hand, I as well as Rishid will miss him terrirbly. I like having him close so I can be sure that he is safe. I know Marik is going with him and that makes me feel some comfort but I still rather have him here. I will not stand in his way however because this is a great opportunity for him and I will visit as much as I can along with Rishid. I do not wish to move to America. I know I would like it very much but Egypt is my home. There is alot of violence and bombs going off a lot but it is still home. I also can not quit my job and the curator is decent to me. I just wish he would treat my brother nicer. I have tried talking to him about it and it is like talking to a brick wall. Pegasus please take care of my brother and see that he does not get into too much trouble. I know Marik will be there to keep him safe but if you can help him out. I hope Sam will show him around and that they will get along since she works for Pegasus as well. Malik please be carefull and know that Rishid and I love you very much and want you to be happy.