(no subject)

Aug 19, 2007 22:54

As per my usual, I type this as I head generally in the direction of bed since, also as per usual, I have to get up early tomorrow. That having been said, things truly are going well for me right now. Unusually, I feel not at all fey about this (fey in what is apparently a borderline archaic sense; at some point I was instructed that it apparently also means something akin to "campy". I'm sure this is true, but I will never use it that way); I'm comfortable with the generally positive path my life is taking at this point, and lack my conventional manic approach to happiness. I have a job I enjoy which is relative low stress (not in that I don't take it seriously, mostly in that when I get home I can concentrate solely on other things. It did not really occur to me that this was a way life could be lived, and I'm taking full advantage of it. It's quite the relief realizing I can enjoy and be happy about something without being passionately devoted to it. This is not to denigrate my time in, for example, Off-Off Campus, it's just that it makes a nice change not to be completely invested in something to the point of allowing it to subsume me. This is compounded by my years of education, when there was always SOMETHING more I could, and probably should, be doing, instead of playing Heroes of Might and Magic III or reading non-school books. "Researching my BA", I'm looking at you here. [I recognize that my approach to punctuation, especially regarding quotations and parentheticals, is unorthodox. Rest assured that it is also intentional.]), married life is treating me well, and I'm not waking up more than once a night drenched in sweat with dread regarding the impending move. Looking at this, I suppose an "all is well" livejournal update is somewhat dull, but after the ups and downs of the Life of Lucy (especially in the past year), having things sorted out feels really lovely. It's possible there's some freight train of unhappiness headed towards me, and the Sword of Damocles (sp?) of getting fired hangs, as for really anyone who works, just inches above my head, but I do take my job seriously, and having a real routine has given me an unprecedented opportunity for stability in my life.

Ten-four, good buddy, over and out.
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