Title: You Can't Miss What You Never Had
Rating: PG
Summary: Dean is easy to handle. It’s Sam that’s trouble.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural. A girl can dream, but, alas, that's all it is.
Author's Note: Used for
chem15try, prompt #9: substituent.
Dean is easy to handle. It’s Sam that’s trouble. She doesn’t know how to react to people who actually make an effort to be nice to her - or, at least, not to be completely outwardly hostile. Honestly, she’s shot him. What more could she possibly do? Quite honestly, it’s baffling.
He makes a snide remark here and there, but it’s not nearly enough animosity for her taste. He keeps…trying. Not to like her, but at least not to insult her to her face. Dean’s more than proven he’s given up being anything but nasty and sarcastic to her. She prefers it.
Sam sets her on edge, makes her just a bit uncomfortable (not that she ever shows it, mind you). She wonders what she has to do to make him as openly hostile to her as Dean is.
Hostility is easy to deal with. That’s why Dean’s easy and Sam’s trouble. Because she almost remembers what it was like to have someone make an effort for her, think she was worth something. She doesn’t want to feel it again. She doesn’t want to miss it.