Title: Another Soldier Says He's Not Afraid to Die
Rating: PG
Summary: In the end, the only thing that separates their fates is that Dean is actually leaving something worth having.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural. A girl can dream, but, alas, that's all it is.
Author's Note: Used for
chem15try, prompt #13: Stoichiometry.
You’d think he isn’t afraid.
You’d be wrong.
She doesn’t know him well, but well enough to know he’s just like her. Pushing as if daring something to push back, fighting fate at every turn under the guise of resignation.
If you didn’t know, you’d think they were okay.
You’d be wrong.
His last moments will be just like hers. In the end, the only thing that separates their fates is that Dean is actually leaving something worth having.
It’s a cruel irony that she now sees perfectly clearly: all she has really done is trade one hell for another.