Title: It Takes One to Know One
Rating: PG
Summary: One doesn’t get to be like she is - like he is - without being broken over and over, until pieces of the people they had once been are too chipped to fit back in the way they once had.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural. A girl can dream, but, alas, that's all it is.
Author's Note: Used for
chem15try, prompt #14: Enantiomers.
She thinks Dean hates her as much as he does because parts of her remind him so much of himself. She thinks she must hold up a mirror to him that he is all too eager to shatter to bits. She’s had people look down upon what she does and who she is many times before, but never with Dean’s intensity.
It’s oddly fascinating to her. She can’t help but exploit it at times. Hatred is an emotion that she understands well, one that is all too easy to manipulate. If she can choose, contempt is always what she prefers. But there’s something different about Dean. Something that interests her.
One doesn’t get to be like she is - like he is - without being broken over and over, until pieces of the people they had once been are too chipped to fit back in the way they once had. She knows how, why, she is damaged, all the lines and fissures along which she is broken, but Dean is a mystery. All she knows is that, pushed further, harder, his is much more like her than he cares to admit.
It’s a wonder, then, that she doesn’t hate him so intensely. There is a degree of it there, just a spark really. But hate, no. She has to think it’s more than likely because when she looks in the mirror that he holds up to her, she doesn’t see him.
She sees nothing.