Drabble: With This Ring (Kate/Kevin)

Feb 03, 2008 19:05

Title: With This Ring
Rating: PG
Summary: For a year after leaving Kevin, Kate wears her wedding rings on a chain around her neck.
Disclaimer: I do not own Lost. At all. I wish but alas...
Author's Note: Set at some point in time after 'I Do'.

For a year after leaving Kevin, Kate wears her wedding rings on a chain around her neck. They’re easy to hide underneath a tee-shirt, concealed to everyone but her. She tugged absently on the chain from time to time, making the rings knock into each other and jingle.

She had given Kevin his mother’s necklace back; it wasn’t hers to take. But the rings…the rings she kept. To remind herself. Of Kevin. Of the fact that, once, someone had loved her enough to want her for their wife.

It isn’t much. But it’s all that she has of him now.

lost fic: kate/kevin, lost fic, lost fic: kate, lost, fic

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