Fic: What's Your Childhood Trauma? (Dean, Sam, Veronica)

Nov 28, 2007 20:59

Title: What's Your Childhood Trauma?
Rating: PG
Summary: She doesn’t trust him. He looks…shifty.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural. Or Veronica Mars. A girl can dream, but, alas, that's all it is.
Author's Note: This is a Supernatural/Veroinca Mars crossover, but it's from Veronica's POV. And it's, well, kinda short too.

She doesn’t trust him. He looks…shifty. He looks like a liar. Veronica has a sense about this kind of thing. She knows secrets, knows what it looks like when people try to hide them, and this guy? He’s hiding enough secrets to last a lifetime. And damned be her natural curiosity, but she can’t help but wonder what secret inner-turmoil lies buried underneath that sarcasm and bravado. She has a type; so sue her.

The other one, his brother, has the most honest, cute little face. He’s a terrible liar; she can tell about that sort of thing too. Lies spill out of the older one as easily as his breath, but not him.

Oh, and then there’s the fake names. As if she buys they’re reporters named David Gilmour and Roger Waters. If you’re going to make up fake names, at least go with less conspicuous ones. Why not just go with Lennon and McCartney and get it over with?

But their money’s as green as anyone’s, whatever the hell their names really are, so she lets them in to see her Dad anyway. If they do end up hiring him, it means they’ll be sticking around, and that should give her plenty of time to indulge her curiosity and figure out who they are, what their secret is, and exactly what is up with the classic rock aliases.

supernatural fic: sam, supernatural fic, veronica mars, supernatural fic: crossover, fic, veronica mars fic: veronica, supernatural, supernatural fic: dean, veronica mars fic: crossover, veronica mars fic

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