Title: Wake Up, Young Girl
Rating: PG
Summary: It’s her deepest fear. The worst thing that could possibly happen.
Disclaimer: I do not own Lost. At all. I wish but alas...
Author's Note: Used for
philosophy_20, prompt #20: reflection.
The reason Jack told you not to come back, wasn't because he didn't want you to get hurt, it was because you broke his heart.
- Juliet, "Left Behind"
It’s the last thing she wants to hear, from the last person she wants to be around, to be chained to with no immediate hope of escape. There’s no satisfaction in her short-lived victory, nor in the pained scream that Juliet emits when she pushes her shoulder back into joint.
She can’t even hear it over the voice in her head.
“…you broke his heart.”
It’s her deepest fear. The worst thing that could possibly happen. She hears it on repeat. Over and over again in her mind, like a record that keeps on skipping.
“…you broke his heart.”
“…you broke his heart.”
“…you broke his heart.”
And it isn’t Juliet’s voice. It’s hers.