Title: Correspondence
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Summary: I never thought I'd write another letter as long as I lived. In fact, I swore I wouldn't.
Disclaimer: I do not own Lost. I wish, but alas...
Author's Note: God bless the 2 a.m. muse. ;)
I never thought I'd write another letter as long as I lived. In fact, I swore I wouldn't. Seems like you're always getting me to do shit I promised myself I'd never do again. At least the last time, I had the excuse of bein' eight. I don't know what the hell's wrong with me now.
No, that's bullshit. I know exactly why I'm writin' this. I'm doin' it because you're way the hell on the other side of the country, and, well, I'm way the hell over here. I'm doin' it because I'm too much of a fuckin' coward to tell you to your face that I'm in love with you. Just like I'm a coward for leavin' you when I wised up to that.
Knowin' you, you're probably readin' this when what you should've done is thrown it out the second you saw my name. I'm glad. I'm glad you're still you, that you can't harden your heart no matter how many times you get screwed over. I'm a selfish bastard, I know, but you readin' this means I've still got a shot to make this right.
So, here's the deal. By the time you get this, I'll be in LA. If you wanna talk, no strings attached, just call my cell and I'll come runnin'. Ball's in your court, doc. Either way, I understand.
I hope to God I hear from you. I love you, Jack. I really do.
- James