Mar 20, 2010 15:33
this is actually a good video statement.
There are truly absurd statements in the transitions, like "they actually think America is a pretty good place to live." AS if pacifists don't like living in "America". Stuff like that is fucking retarded and makes people who support the right to bear arms look like idiots. This is why I tell people I am a life-member of the NRA and I believe that the difference between gun safety and gun accidents is training, pure and simple.
I admire pacifists. I admire vegans. They stand up for their beliefs. I feel affinity with them because I stand up for mine, but as the man said, I will die defending their rights too. I will stand up for the rights of everyone who disagrees or agrees with me. Otherwise, I am just another asshole who wishes he could be a real tyrant when he grows up.
I can't tell you how desperately I wish that the rational, well made arguments could be used in videos like these without the inflammatory bullshit like that statement. There are a good number of stupid comments, including some about pacifists that are cringe-worthy too, but overall there are some really good arguments in this.
One more time, though, I have got to say that I agree wholeheartedly with much of this when it's not decorated with bullshit. In fact, the argument about the civil rights workers is precisely the reason I joined the NRA.
One real problem here is that there are two kinds of lies, damned lies and statistics. Without a comprehensive comparison, it is very difficult to really know what all the correlations mean with regard to the London vs. New York data. Aside from that, anyone who knows how I feel about a free Ireland know how I feel about England in general, so I can't help but take a little pleasure in any criticism of them.