*happy sigh*
This episode deserves a long, insightful essay. I won't be writing it because
The Clana made me cry! Martha was actually MARTHA! Chloe is such an awesome friend! Lex is so deliciously evil! Lana is such a Luthor! Lionel's motivations continue to be a mystery! The Phantom from "Zod"! Oh, and Clark! &hearts&hearts&hearts&hearts Clark was his compassionate, hopeful, broken and flawed self. *loves* (AND for the cherry: Tahmoh! on a slab in silver speedos!) Hee! That's not even mentioning the Clexy goodness.
This was my favorite episode of the season. It hit many of my shippy buttons, the characterizations were lovely, the plot was interesting, it was shot beautifully. It had continuity and parallels. &hearts it x1000.
Hopefully, I'll have something more coherent to say later. But, for now, that's all I've got.
*G* I just can't seem to wipe this stupid grin off my face. I have to watch it again immediately.