Superbooks: Adventure comics is the only Superbook that I'm actually *enjoying* reading right now. :(( The rest of them are driving me a little crazy, specifically because of the lack of Mon-El, who was swiftly becoming my favorite. That being said, I am about two weeks behind on all my books... except for Blackest Night, of course.
Adventure #3 made me really, really happy. <33 BOYS <33
but Gary Frank's Reeve-clone!Clark throws me out of the story, which in itself is perfunctory at best
Oh thank god! Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy when I say that I don't like this guy's art because of this. (I mean, it's good art, but every time I see Clark I just get annoyed and stop thinking about the story.)
Yeah, there wasn't much *substance* in World's Finest. Although I've heard a rumor that something IMPORTANT re: The Batfamily/Bruce is supposed to happen at the end of that series. I also think it's hilarious how amazing Phil Noto is at drawing women when he does cover art, but makes every male character look 40 years old. o.O
Bat-books: I've loved Detective (OMG THE ART), but I haven't read the most recent issue yet, even though I heard it was FANTASTIC. I think maybe I'll have a comic book day on my day off tomorrow.
It seems to be editorial edict that Dick be called "Richard" even by those who've known him for ages.
I'm absolutely hating this. Everytime it happens it just throws me out of the story too. Has anyone asked DC about this?? Because I'm tempted to start a petition it's so awful. I saw the 'ward' thing too. Do they think we don't notice these things?? I think they would know better by now.
Batman and Robin is good. I still hate Damian. The whole Jason thing is weird, and I don't know what the hell Grant Morrison is doing with Red-haired Jason. It makes me think that it's not the same Jason, if that makes any sense??
Part of this fanon/canon Jason problem is Countdown's fault entirely. At least now we know who was actually reading that book, lol. Also probably a little bit to do with his interactions with Tim in the last few issues of Robin.
Urgh. Batman. I knew I was going to be disappointed (and let me tell you how strange it is to say "That book was good before Judd Winick *stopped* writing it" TWICE in the last year, given most everyone's opinion on him [which I don't know that I share. I've heard his Green Lantern stuff was pretty good.]) but, yeah... It was totally generic Batman.
Red Robin is <3333 Tim is wonderful and I'm really happy with the writer, who has said he wants to lighten Tim up a bit, which I think is probably a very good thing. Bruce might as well be hanging over Tim's shoulder in every page his presence is so huge, and that makes me very happy.
I've been reading Batgirl with one eye open, like PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE acknowledge she's a fuck-up. Please. I don't know. I don't really think she deserves it?? But I know a lot of my annoyance comes from all of the absolutely RABID Steph fangirls out there who think she can do no wrong and "OMG TIM IS SO MEAN". I like the art, at least.
I haven't read that Streets yet, but DUSTIN NGUYEN!! I do love him so, but everyone knows that, I think. I have his art permanently on my arm, after all. Although, I am a loser, and I never emailed him after Heroes Con like he told me to. Sometimes I'm to awkward for my own good.
I think that maybe I need to have read Manhunter before in order to really enjoy that backup. It's good, but I just don't have any ties to the character, so it's a little empty for me, I guess.
Green Lantern and Blackest Night: Aw, I guess I know what you mean, but I would pay money all day to see Tim yelling at Damian and Damian actually listening. I like that moment. :D The Titans one was REALLY cool though, especially the last one, with Dove. I think her Peace thing is going to be very important.
Blackest Night is awesome. The end.
I feel like there have to be a few subs at my shop who are JUST reading Blackest Night and not the other stuff. If I can figure out who they are (and if they're not people who just have awful opinions anyway) I'll do some investigating. I've been wondering that myself.
Booster Gold & Blue Beetle are still one of my favorites. I'm always squeeful when they come out. This weeks the Blackest Night issue, though. *bites nails*
Wonder Woman *is* wonderful! I'm glad I started reading it. :D
I don't know if it's something you *need* to see, but I've written a lot of stuff in the last few months. It's all on my journal, and specifically I wrote some more Guy/Kyle. It's probably my favorite of the bunch. I just checked my index post and dear god, I've written 13 stories since January. *boggles*
(Goodness, sorry this was so long! If it's any indication, this is how much I've missed you!! **HUGS**)
answering this one first because it's shorterisilwethNovember 10 2009, 07:53:20 UTC
I'm glad you're still squeeful - squee is a wonderful things and should be shared whenever possible. I'm still enjoying it, it's just not one of those things I anticipate all month. I wonder if the Blackest Night issues will have more impact/meaning than the tie-ins did, or if they'll just be dead relative's bodies trying to get a rise out of their loved ones. Black Lantern Ted should be fun, though.
YAY! I'm glad you're reading it. Isn't Diana's caper with Dinah delightful? And the noodles! Hee!
Mmm... Guy/Kyle. I'll have to read that. O_o Thirteen! Wow, I'm impressed. You've been prolific. :D
*HUGS* Good gracious, please don't be sorry for replying to my long-ass post with a long reply. I've missed you much!
Re: answering this one first because it's shortermerelymineNovember 13 2009, 18:09:20 UTC
I don't really anticipate it all month, either. I'm not sure that I do that about any book anymore, since I'm surrounded by awesomeness every day. But it's definitely one of the ones that I say "OH YAY!" when I see it on the invoice for the upcoming week.
It's all been awesome. I hate that there are people who don't like it. Truthfully, we don't sell much Wonder Woman. We get something like 9 or 10 copies in, and all but one of those goes to subscribers, and the one that goes to the shelf usually doesn't sell. :( I should start pushing it. *nods*
I know! I was shocked when I counted them all up. O.o
specifically because of the lack of Mon-El, who was swiftly becoming my favorite. That being said, I am about two weeks behind on all my books Well then, catch up. *coughs* You'll be happier.
I've re-read Adventure #3 about five times already. The first two times, I cried because I'm a sap.
it's good art, but every time I see Clark I just get annoyed *nods along* Exactly. It's comics!Clark; he's not supposed to look like anyone, but Clark. Seeing Reeve!Clark just reminds me of my childhood. I wouldn't want Welling!Clark either, even though I adore Tom's Smallville Clark. I just want him to only look like himself. If the artist needs a model, he should pick someone not famous.
World's Finest Important, huh? The final issue is the Clark and Dick team-up? Hmm...
I think maybe I'll have a comic book day on my day off tomorrow. Ooh, I want to know your thinky-thoughts... :)
Has anyone asked DC about this?? Because I'm tempted to start a petition it's so awful. We should send this 600 postcards saying, "His name is DICK". Maybe then they'd get the point.
I get hating Damian. He's quite hate-able. I'd probably hate him too, if not for Ashley's infectious enthusiasm. She loves him and its rather persuasive.
Grant Morrison is doing with Red-haired Jason He's playing with the theory of "what if everything were canon", thus he's including the original red hair. I'm cracking up at the call-in poll, though. I ♥ Morrison's disturbed sense of humor.
his interactions with Tim in the last few issues of Robin That wasn't a very nice tease, was it. Rather nameless!Nightwing has tactile telekenesis-ish. I'm not blaming Fabian, though because apparently he was just told to bring Jason into play. Also, I can see where Jason went from where he was in Robin to where he was in BFtC, after listening to Bruce's message to him.
The next issue of Batman looks better. Possibly?
I like Winick. I like his Green Lantern, his Outsiders, and his Batman. I've heard good things about his Green Arrow. He's not the most innovative writer in the world, but I think he usually delivers a solid story with decent characterization. Good artists make him much better. He had Eaglesham on Green Lantern; It's beautiful.
YES to Red Robin. <33333
Steph doesn't really deserve it, but so far I like Batgirl in that she knows she doesn't deserve it and is trying hard to earn it. Like Obama's Nobel, I suppose. lol My only irritation with it so far is the lack of Charlie... She needs to show up quickly or Babs is going to have to make up a lot of ground character-wise.
Oh, noes, you never emailed it to him! You must do that!! You never emailed it to me either. I know a little what you mean, though. Marc Waid gave me an email at ECCC because I had a question about his Cap he couldn't answer right then and there. Six months later, I'm too chicken-shit to email him, despite doing fine talking with him in person. *facepalm*
Yes. Blackest Night. <333 I've been promising Ashley for months now I was going to write GL meta. I'm thinking maybe it's about damn time I finally do it. Well, after all the fic exchanges anyway.
I just want him to only look like himself. If the artist needs a model, he should pick someone not famous.
Totally agreed. Also he should not model him after *himself* ala Alex Ross.
OH GOD, Detective was AMAZING. *makes grabby hands for the next issue*
We should send this 600 postcards saying, "His name is DICK". Maybe then they'd get the point.
You know what, though? This week it wasn't so bad. At least Tony Daniels, for all of his faults, isn't calling him Richard. Still, I'm seething about this.
She loves him and its rather persuasive.
You know, I wish I could love him, just for her. :( I've tried (and honestly I don't hate him outside of Batman and Robin) but all I can think is that he's Grant's very obvious and annoying Gary Stu. In the other books he's just sort of an amusing little shit. And in Red Robin Tim punched him in the face, so I was happy with that.
He's playing with the theory of "what if everything wer canon", thus he's including the original red hair.
:(((( I don't know if that's amusing if you don't have a point behind it. If you're just fucking around throwing away in-jokes then fine, whatever. It's just that no one else on any of the other books are going to follow suit, so I just kinda don't get the point. Also I think Batman and Robin has killed some of my Morrison love, which is sad. Maybe I just need to talk to Ashley. I still think the story is really good, but there are all these little things that are making me sadface.
The next issue of Batman looks better. Possibly?
I thought it was. :D
My only irritation with it so far is the lack of Charlie... She needs to show up quickly or Babs is going to have to make up a lot of ground character-wise.
Yeah, this has been bugging the hell out of me too. She promised Charlie a home, didn't she? So what the hell happened.
Well, when I was at Heroes Con I went by his table and showed him, and he took my email and said that if he didn't email me I should email him, and now I've let it go on so long that I don't know what to say. :((( Fail fail fail.
Superbooks: Adventure comics is the only Superbook that I'm actually *enjoying* reading right now. :(( The rest of them are driving me a little crazy, specifically because of the lack of Mon-El, who was swiftly becoming my favorite. That being said, I am about two weeks behind on all my books... except for Blackest Night, of course.
Adventure #3 made me really, really happy. <33 BOYS <33
but Gary Frank's Reeve-clone!Clark throws me out of the story, which in itself is perfunctory at best
Oh thank god! Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy when I say that I don't like this guy's art because of this. (I mean, it's good art, but every time I see Clark I just get annoyed and stop thinking about the story.)
Yeah, there wasn't much *substance* in World's Finest. Although I've heard a rumor that something IMPORTANT re: The Batfamily/Bruce is supposed to happen at the end of that series. I also think it's hilarious how amazing Phil Noto is at drawing women when he does cover art, but makes every male character look 40 years old. o.O
Bat-books: I've loved Detective (OMG THE ART), but I haven't read the most recent issue yet, even though I heard it was FANTASTIC. I think maybe I'll have a comic book day on my day off tomorrow.
It seems to be editorial edict that Dick be called "Richard" even by those who've known him for ages.
I'm absolutely hating this. Everytime it happens it just throws me out of the story too. Has anyone asked DC about this?? Because I'm tempted to start a petition it's so awful. I saw the 'ward' thing too. Do they think we don't notice these things?? I think they would know better by now.
Batman and Robin is good. I still hate Damian. The whole Jason thing is weird, and I don't know what the hell Grant Morrison is doing with Red-haired Jason. It makes me think that it's not the same Jason, if that makes any sense??
Part of this fanon/canon Jason problem is Countdown's fault entirely. At least now we know who was actually reading that book, lol. Also probably a little bit to do with his interactions with Tim in the last few issues of Robin.
Urgh. Batman. I knew I was going to be disappointed (and let me tell you how strange it is to say "That book was good before Judd Winick *stopped* writing it" TWICE in the last year, given most everyone's opinion on him [which I don't know that I share. I've heard his Green Lantern stuff was pretty good.]) but, yeah... It was totally generic Batman.
Red Robin is <3333 Tim is wonderful and I'm really happy with the writer, who has said he wants to lighten Tim up a bit, which I think is probably a very good thing. Bruce might as well be hanging over Tim's shoulder in every page his presence is so huge, and that makes me very happy.
I've been reading Batgirl with one eye open, like PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE acknowledge she's a fuck-up. Please. I don't know. I don't really think she deserves it?? But I know a lot of my annoyance comes from all of the absolutely RABID Steph fangirls out there who think she can do no wrong and "OMG TIM IS SO MEAN". I like the art, at least.
I haven't read that Streets yet, but DUSTIN NGUYEN!! I do love him so, but everyone knows that, I think. I have his art permanently on my arm, after all. Although, I am a loser, and I never emailed him after Heroes Con like he told me to. Sometimes I'm to awkward for my own good.
I think that maybe I need to have read Manhunter before in order to really enjoy that backup. It's good, but I just don't have any ties to the character, so it's a little empty for me, I guess.
Green Lantern and Blackest Night: Aw, I guess I know what you mean, but I would pay money all day to see Tim yelling at Damian and Damian actually listening. I like that moment. :D The Titans one was REALLY cool though, especially the last one, with Dove. I think her Peace thing is going to be very important.
Blackest Night is awesome. The end.
I feel like there have to be a few subs at my shop who are JUST reading Blackest Night and not the other stuff. If I can figure out who they are (and if they're not people who just have awful opinions anyway) I'll do some investigating. I've been wondering that myself.
Wonder Woman *is* wonderful! I'm glad I started reading it. :D
I don't know if it's something you *need* to see, but I've written a lot of stuff in the last few months. It's all on my journal, and specifically I wrote some more Guy/Kyle. It's probably my favorite of the bunch. I just checked my index post and dear god, I've written 13 stories since January. *boggles*
(Goodness, sorry this was so long! If it's any indication, this is how much I've missed you!! **HUGS**)
YAY! I'm glad you're reading it. Isn't Diana's caper with Dinah delightful? And the noodles! Hee!
Mmm... Guy/Kyle. I'll have to read that. O_o Thirteen! Wow, I'm impressed. You've been prolific. :D
*HUGS* Good gracious, please don't be sorry for replying to my long-ass post with a long reply. I've missed you much!
It's all been awesome. I hate that there are people who don't like it. Truthfully, we don't sell much Wonder Woman. We get something like 9 or 10 copies in, and all but one of those goes to subscribers, and the one that goes to the shelf usually doesn't sell. :( I should start pushing it. *nods*
I know! I was shocked when I counted them all up. O.o
*hugs* Then I won't feel sorry! :P
Well then, catch up. *coughs* You'll be happier.
I've re-read Adventure #3 about five times already. The first two times, I cried because I'm a sap.
it's good art, but every time I see Clark I just get annoyed
*nods along* Exactly. It's comics!Clark; he's not supposed to look like anyone, but Clark. Seeing Reeve!Clark just reminds me of my childhood. I wouldn't want Welling!Clark either, even though I adore Tom's Smallville Clark. I just want him to only look like himself. If the artist needs a model, he should pick someone not famous.
World's Finest Important, huh? The final issue is the Clark and Dick team-up? Hmm...
I think maybe I'll have a comic book day on my day off tomorrow.
Ooh, I want to know your thinky-thoughts... :)
Has anyone asked DC about this?? Because I'm tempted to start a petition it's so awful.
We should send this 600 postcards saying, "His name is DICK". Maybe then they'd get the point.
I get hating Damian. He's quite hate-able. I'd probably hate him too, if not for Ashley's infectious enthusiasm. She loves him and its rather persuasive.
Grant Morrison is doing with Red-haired Jason
He's playing with the theory of "what if everything were canon", thus he's including the original red hair. I'm cracking up at the call-in poll, though. I ♥ Morrison's disturbed sense of humor.
his interactions with Tim in the last few issues of Robin
That wasn't a very nice tease, was it. Rather nameless!Nightwing has tactile telekenesis-ish. I'm not blaming Fabian, though because apparently he was just told to bring Jason into play. Also, I can see where Jason went from where he was in Robin to where he was in BFtC, after listening to Bruce's message to him.
The next issue of Batman looks better. Possibly?
I like Winick. I like his Green Lantern, his Outsiders, and his Batman. I've heard good things about his Green Arrow. He's not the most innovative writer in the world, but I think he usually delivers a solid story with decent characterization. Good artists make him much better. He had Eaglesham on Green Lantern; It's beautiful.
YES to Red Robin. <33333
Steph doesn't really deserve it, but so far I like Batgirl in that she knows she doesn't deserve it and is trying hard to earn it. Like Obama's Nobel, I suppose. lol
My only irritation with it so far is the lack of Charlie... She needs to show up quickly or Babs is going to have to make up a lot of ground character-wise.
Oh, noes, you never emailed it to him! You must do that!! You never emailed it to me either. I know a little what you mean, though. Marc Waid gave me an email at ECCC because I had a question about his Cap he couldn't answer right then and there. Six months later, I'm too chicken-shit to email him, despite doing fine talking with him in person. *facepalm*
Yes. Blackest Night. <333 I've been promising Ashley for months now I was going to write GL meta. I'm thinking maybe it's about damn time I finally do it. Well, after all the fic exchanges anyway.
I did, and I am! YAY!
I just want him to only look like himself. If the artist needs a model, he should pick someone not famous.
Totally agreed. Also he should not model him after *himself* ala Alex Ross.
OH GOD, Detective was AMAZING. *makes grabby hands for the next issue*
We should send this 600 postcards saying, "His name is DICK". Maybe then they'd get the point.
You know what, though? This week it wasn't so bad. At least Tony Daniels, for all of his faults, isn't calling him Richard. Still, I'm seething about this.
She loves him and its rather persuasive.
You know, I wish I could love him, just for her. :( I've tried (and honestly I don't hate him outside of Batman and Robin) but all I can think is that he's Grant's very obvious and annoying Gary Stu. In the other books he's just sort of an amusing little shit. And in Red Robin Tim punched him in the face, so I was happy with that.
He's playing with the theory of "what if everything wer canon", thus he's including the original red hair.
:(((( I don't know if that's amusing if you don't have a point behind it. If you're just fucking around throwing away in-jokes then fine, whatever. It's just that no one else on any of the other books are going to follow suit, so I just kinda don't get the point. Also I think Batman and Robin has killed some of my Morrison love, which is sad. Maybe I just need to talk to Ashley. I still think the story is really good, but there are all these little things that are making me sadface.
The next issue of Batman looks better. Possibly?
I thought it was. :D
My only irritation with it so far is the lack of Charlie... She needs to show up quickly or Babs is going to have to make up a lot of ground character-wise.
Yeah, this has been bugging the hell out of me too. She promised Charlie a home, didn't she? So what the hell happened.
Well, when I was at Heroes Con I went by his table and showed him, and he took my email and said that if he didn't email me I should email him, and now I've let it go on so long that I don't know what to say. :((( Fail fail fail.
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