My One Politcial Post of the Season

Sep 14, 2010 08:57

I don't like politics. Those who know me know my political leanings and they know my views.

I know our government isn't perfect. I know there are a lot of problems, but there are forces at work here that will do significant damage to the majority of the American people and our way of life. A group of loudmouth alarmists spewing hate and lies are leading the way as we grab our torches and pitchforks, and let them lead us right off a cliff.

This is important. We must stay calm and look at the bigger picture. We must not fall prey to the P.T. Barnums of the newsreels and blogs who play us as suckers while they laugh at us all the way to the bank. These blowhards are very good at stirring up hornets' nests, but not so good at cleaning up the mess in the aftermath. They have no solutions, only more vitriol and misinformation.

This is by design. They want us to be at each other's throats because angry people do rash, stupid things. We will believe the most fantastic lies if they are couched in arguments that seem reasonable to people who are riled up.

Now is not the time to allow them to distract us from the real goal. Now is not the time to follow blindly those who would lead us to our own demise.

Most of these links come from the website Republicans for Obama (, a group of moderate Republicans who voted for Obama and are very concerned by the GOP's sharp move to the right. I recommend visiting them and reading what they have to say. I have found them to be voices of reason in a crowd of screaming rioters.

Rep. Bob Inglis On The Tea Party Takeover Of The GOP -

Seeing the Forest through the Trees -

We are bankrupt by design, the seeds of this crisis were planted 30 years ago - (this one is a MUST read)

Strategic Deficits to Stifle Progressive Change -

I have already heard some of these arguments being passed around. They sound reasonable, until you realize they've maneuvered us into this position so that they could make these arguments.

We have got to wake up, recognize this for what it is, and resist this 3 Ring Circus that would have us cutting off our own noses to spite our faces.
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