(no subject)

Nov 04, 2009 23:42

Dear Yuletide Santa,

First of all, you rule for offering to write whichever one of the fandoms that we got paired up for. Yuletide is one of my favorite times of year, and you have my undying thanks for doing this! Now, onto the fandoms...

Brotherhood of the Wolf: I asked for Any, and I meant it! I love all of the characters in the movie, but if you're looking for a little more guidance, I will do my best! I love the tone of the creepier scenes in the movie (everything with Sylvia, the end building up to the big fight, the creature stalking them through the fog) so if you can work with that, you rule. I'm also partial to Jean-Francois de Morangias as a character, but if you decide to write him, I would prefer that you either only allude to his creepy sister obsession or leave it out entirely. And if you're a slash fan, I love Fronsac and Mani and their backstory. If you're not? I also love Fronsac and Marianne, and their future.

Fables: I just kind of picked my favorite characters for this one, so feel free to write whichever one speaks to you. I love them all for very different reasons, and I would prefer to have a solo fic for one of the three, as opposed to any relationship stuff for any of them. Although if you can work all three of them into a fic together, you will be my superhero. ;)

Chronicles of Prydain: Again, I asked for Any on this one and I mean it. If there is a character that you feel particularly compelled to write about, please do. This series was really important to me when I was a kid, so I will love anything that you choose to write. If you're having trouble deciding, I adore Fflewddur Fflam, Gwydion, Coll, and Doli the most, and I love the sense of adventure and myth that runs through the books, but like I said, please feel free to write absolutely anything you want.

In general, I enjoy adventure, character interaction, and fairy tale style symbolism. There aren't that many things that I don't like, but unless a character dies in canon, I would rather not read about character death. I'm not a huge stickler for canon pairings, I enjoy slash and het, and basically, I'm just incredibly easy to please. So have fun and write something that makes you happy, and I'm sure I'll love it!


comm: yuletide

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