So, livejournal showed me
this, and it just made me angry. When did admitting that you're completely ignorant on a subject make you more qualified to comment on it than someone who is well acquainted with whatever it is you're attempting to talk about? You can say that his post is satire all you want--but it certainly doesn't read like satire to me. I think it reads like someone who's taken one look at a book and decided that it isn't worth his time.
Now, I'm not a huge Twilight fan, but I went out and read the books because I don't believe you should comment on something you haven't read. Glenn Beck did that with "The Machine of Death" and all it did was make him look like an idiot (which he is, but I digress). I have read some SPECTACULAR 'Young Adult' books: Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy (which addresses death, religion, and censorship among other things), for example, is a brilliantly written series that should be on everyone's reading list, The Giver and Finding Blue by Lois Lowry are two more examples of great books, The Dark is Rising series by Susan Cooper, Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson addresses rape and sexual assault, for crying out loud. I haven't yet read The Hunger Games, but I'm definitely planning on it.
Logic like that employed in the article would dictate that we should stop watching Doctor Who, because it's a kid's show. Yeah, it appeals to children, but there's so much there for adults too! No one can watch "Age of Steel" and "Rise of the Cybermen" and tell me that there aren't adult themes in there (dependance on technology, anyone?). What about "Midnight?" It's my least-favorite episode--because it explores the darkness that exists in each and every human being. That alien uses words--words placed with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel--to turn ordinary, basically good human beings into monsters. How is that beneath the notice of adults?