
May 12, 2007 11:09

Questions and Answers:

1. Which is your favorite Triwizard Task?
The second, in the lake. I liked this one in particular as we got to learn more about the creatures that live there. We also learned that Neville rocks... of course, we already knew that but it was nice to see a more capable, intellectual side to his character.

2. What's your favorite HP reference in another fandom?
Without a doubt, The second episode of the new series of Doctor Who. "Wait 'till you read book seven! I cried." - It was made better by the fact that I'd just finished the wizarding robes I'd been making for a Deathly Hallows promo event at work and I was wearing the full outfit at the time. Geekiness embodied. Woot!

3. Which HP were/are you most like as a teenager?
hmm... I was quite Luna-ish back then. But I had the hair (hormones!) of teenage Snape and his general dislike of the world.

4. Which would you rather have: a niffler or a Pygmy Puff?
A Niffler! Pygmy Puffs remind me of Tribbles from Star Trek, and you know how that turned out. besides, looking for buried treaure might be fun.

5. You have enough Polyjuice Potion to last one day: who do you choose to morph into?
If I was a Gryffindor and had access to Harry's dorm room... Voldemort. But no, I'd turn into Lucius Malfoy and sign his entire fortune over to some crazy, muggle lady who watches Doctor Who in wizarding robes.

hp_fridayfive, friday five

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