Jun 18, 2007 00:18
Song Titles
Answer only in song TITLES from One Artist/Band: Arrogant Worms
Are you female or male:: A Man Has Needs
Describe yourself:: The Guy With Computer Know-How
How do some people feel about you:: The Worst Seat On The Plane
How do you feel about yourself:: Great To Be A Nerd
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:: Stalker Girl
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:: I Pulled My Groin...
Describe where you want to be:: Gaelic Song
Describe what you want to be:: The Last Saskatchewan Pirate
Describe how you live:: Life On The Road
Describe how you love:: Steel Drivin' Man
Share a few words of wisdom:: Don't Go Into Politics
Answer only in song TITLES from One Artist/Band: Jonathan Coulton
Are you female or male:: Rock And Roll Boy
Describe yourself:: So Far So Good
How do some people feel about you:: Someone Is Crazy
How do you feel about yourself:: Take Care of Me
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:: The Town Crotch
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:: You Could Be Her
Describe where you want to be:: Over There
Describe what you want to be:: We Are The Champions
Describe how you live:: 'Til The Money Comes
Describe how you love:: Mr. Fancy Pants
Share a few words of wisdom:: Don't Talk To Strangers