For those of you who haven't heard about the content strike:
ONE DAY CONTENT STRIKE: Friday, March 21, from midnight to
midnight GMT.
For one day, make no posts. Make no comments. Let there be NO new content added to LJ.
SUP obviously does not realize that Basic users have given something of value to them, that it is content that drives the site.
So, for one 24-hour period, from midnight GMT to midnight GMT, let's see how many people we can get to pledge to contribute NO CONTENT.
This will create a permanent downward spike in the daily-posts statistics, a permanent reminder of the power of the userbase.
We are holding the Content Strike because we want to demonstrate that LiveJournal is content-driven.
We are holding the Content Strike because we want the new owners of LiveJournal to better understand the power and resolve of the LJ Community of Users.
We are holding the Content Strike because all of us, Paid, Permanent and Plus users as well as Basic, want to demonstrate our solidarity as a Community of Users. We do not consider Basic users to be freeloaders, we consider them to be valuable content-providers and Friends.
We are holding the Content Strike because we ache to do something to show our displeasure, and commenting on the
news post -- even with cat macros -- just isn't powerful enough!
For more information about the strike
check out the journal of
Am currently reading Oscar Wilde's De Profundis and I'm finding it quite hard going. Not that it's difficult exactly, but more that Oscar (yes, I am on first-name terms with him) is getting quite whingy. I mean, I know that he's justified in martyring himself, but it's still annoying. It's not a pleasant book to read, Oscar and Bosie's relationship is just tragic and awful and it's not exactly going to have a happy ending, is it?
On the upside, Torchwood tonight! :DDD (I spent this afternoon compiling a list of Reasons We Love Ianto Jones with my friend Maria.)