First post of the New Year. YAY!

Jan 06, 2006 03:44

a post about swimming :)

On Wednesday Kurt and I went swimming, Kurt wants to shift a bit of weight and I could do with losing a few pounds, plus exercise makes me happy! It was excellent. I loved it, afterwards I kept saying "I really like swimming", "I really like swimming y'know", "swimming makes me feel good", "do you know how good swimming makes me feel?!". People got a bit sick of it!

Then I decided we'd go on Thursday too. So that was exciting. And we swam in the proper lanes as well. I'm considering going tomorrow but I have quite a lot to do before I go to Kate's in the evening, so we'll see.

One thing that annoys me about swimming is that I'm not as good as I used to be. When I swam when I was younger I used to think I'd never have to stop, like I had the stamina and stregnth to keep going for ever and ever. And I don't think I was far wrong, I was like a waterbaby. We'd go on holiday and I'd be in the pool 9am to 6pm and they'd have to drag me out to eat. Now I get tired! What's that all about?! lactic acid or something?

The other thing that annoys me is that I used it negatively as I got older. I barely ate and still swam so I lost loads of weight. The memories that go along with that are the strongest as that period was the last time wherer I was majorly into swimming.

But hopefully I'll be able to get a "healthy" relationship with it back again. I adore it, the feeling of going through the water, the fact you control your breathing. When you get out of the pool as well, and you've got dressed and go outside and you can breathe and your skin is tight - it feels brilliant, it's like you've been dipped in liquidized proplus.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to seeing Late tomorrow but I'll be crap company if I don't get any sleep!

Nightnight! xoxox

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