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roguem A) List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B) Tag seven people to do the same.
C) Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".
*1: I still remember the names of everyone in my class from first grade to the ninth grade.
*2: I can read ca 350 words a minute. That's when I read a book for the first time. (Normally people read 160 words a minute)
*3: Sometimes I've been asked if I were from England, just because I can use the British accent.. And English is not my first language..
*4: Hate watching King of Queens and Sex In the City.
*5: I cannot leave the house without having put on mascara. I look dead if I don't.
*6: Tend to spend the afternoons alone, not because I have to, but I like to have some time just for me after a hard days work.
*7: If you want to make me happy, come visit and bring with you chocolate chip ice-cream:-)