here goes..

Sep 08, 2006 14:09

I'm not in the mood to put links to everything that's in the cut so.. there's too much of it..

here's my last 3 weeks.

Damn that Telenor! Costumer service is closed and I don’t have any internet connection! Bet it’s some malfunction and they can’t fix it before after 8AM tomorrow morning, cause that’s when they come to work. Am so calling if it’s not fixed during the night!!
Probably a thunderstorm or something that shut down the mainframe or something. Just so damn typical.

As is the costumers we had at work today. Had one that got so angry I almost slapped him. He’d broken something on his LEGO race car, and asked if we could order some spare parts. I told him that we’d gotten a message from LEGO Norway that the costumers have to contact them directly, because they ship LEGO to many hundred of stores in the country. This costumer would not believe a single word I said, because he worked in a store himself and they ordered items for their costumers! I’m pretty certain that he doesn’t work in a toy store, and we do order items, just not LEGO. Tried to explain but he would not listen at all. Before I even said that we order other items, he turned and walked out of the store. The poor kid that owned the car looked sad and hurt at his father. Like it’s MY fault that we can’t order stuff from LEGO. Have had one of those costumers before and he didn’t budge until the boss said the same thing I did. Ugh! Stupid costumers! Felt the urge to put up a poster with the tagline from CLERKS. “Just because we serve you, doesn’t mean we like you.” Wonder what the costumers would react to that. I’d probably get fired for it.. Hehe
The rest of the day went as usual. Had to start cleaning up the mess of toys before 7, as there were tons on the floor. Not to forget all the bikes and tricycles that were lying around. Quit work at 830 and came home right before 930. Yes, it takes an hour to come home and that’s with the bus. By car it takes 20-25 minutes or so.
Watched Return of the Jedi before I went to bed. That’s when I saw that the internet was down. So pissed.

Saturday I woke up before 9AM, and still no internet. So I called Telenor and they couldn’t figure out what was wrong. The guy I talked with claimed it was because of some shifting they were doing. He said if it wasn’t back on until the afternoon I should call back.
Got picked up by mom and went food shopping. I had to pick up 2 packages that had arrived. Something from Yves Rocher and 3 more books from the Carl Barks collection.
Went home to my parents after dropping off the groceries and packages. She said she’d drive me to work as she needed to buy something for my second cousins new baby boy. Told her that we had to leave a bit early as there’s always cues on Saturdays. My dad tagged along, so they ended up buying something for my cousins two kids as well. (They live in the same town my parents are visiting next weekend)
Work from 215 to 630. Costumers all day long. So tired in the end. They never seemed to stop nagging. And the boss claimed that I should take all the stuff that were outside inside myself, and I had the register to be done as well. Counting money isn’t that much fun when you’re tired. Make mistakes and have to re-count again. Luckily that didn’t happened.
Got a ride home from Chris. He had to drop off Preben at the Start - Lillestrøm football (soccer) game. (Start, our local team, won 3-2 on overtime) Came home just before 7 and still no internet. Called Telenor again and told them. They said they should be able to fix the problem by Monday at 8PM. My guess, they can’t..
Watched some tv and decided to watch “Comic Book - The Movie” So many voice characters in flesh, and you have no idea that’s them. The funniest part is (in my opinion) when Don Swan is so tired and ask a guy(1) if his crew can share the table with them and the guy says “move along, son”, the other guy(2) who’s sitting next to him yowls and asks “was he someone famous?” those two are (1) Dave Prowse the guy who was inside the Darth Vader costume in ep VI-VI and the other (2) is Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) There is a third guy at the table and I’m sure it’s Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett)
Went to bed around midnight, dead tired.

Sunday I woke up at 730, but fell asleep again and woke up at 1030. Got up and watched some tv. Figured I’d see some of Life as We know it and thought that one of the characters looked familiar. One other I recognized at once. (Margeruite Moroue from Mighty Ducks) The one I thought looked familiar was a Foster. Ben Foster’s kid brother.
Went to the parents house around 1. Invited myself to dinner yesterday while we were shopping. My Aunt and Uncle came around 3. Had lamb for dinner. So good.
Borrowed Der Untergang from my father. I haven’t seen it, but heard it’s a good movie. Even got nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Movie.
Came home around 530. Watched some of Kevin Hill before the season premiere of The OC at 6. Haven’t seen any of it since season 1 and have no clue what’s going on, except that someone was shot and Ryan was nearly killed. Not my kind of show really. Just have to wait until Wednesday. Going to be a good TV night. First it’s Battlestar Galactica and then Invasion. There’s going to be some good shows on tv this fall. Rome, Invasion, Supernatural, Prison Break, Battlestar Galactica, Ghost Whisperer and a few more I can’t remember at the moment.  The Manhunt is on again tomorrow. Downloading at Tuesday if my internet connection is up. I’m rather needful of my internet. Paying the bills, updating on LJ, and just surfing. Hate it when it’s down.
So tired now, but it’s a bit early to go to bed. Not even 8PM yet.
At least I don’t have to catch the bus at 0747 tomorrow. Back to normal bus schedules! Taking a bus that goes directly to work. Can read all the way, I just have to find me a new book, and that’s hard. Have read all of them at least twice.
Gotta go watch some tv. If there’s anything on. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition maybe?

Monday;  was ok, started work at 9AM and had some things to do.  Had to stand at the till as always until Hilde came to work at 12.30.  Got off work at 5PM and the internet was still down when I came home. Called Telenor and they tested and tested but couldn’t find the problem. So they checked the modem and found out that it was ok there, but no connection here. The one I talked to figured it might be the modem that was the problem, so they should send me a new one within the week.  Have no internet connection until I get the new one, and I have a feeling I’ll have the same problem with that one as well. So pissed!
Watched the Kamilla And the Thief (Kamilla og Tyven) movies in the evening. Don’t know why I suddenly had to watch them. Probably because we had talked about them last week..
Went to bed around midnight. Dead tired.

Tuesday : was a hard day. Got up at 9AM and eat breakfast and watched some tv before I had to go to work. The new music video from Erik Faber was on (the song is Never Gone) and I thought I saw a familiar face in the background and I did! It was an old classmate was playing bass. I’m sure it was him, but I can check with a friend of his on Saturday. There’s no one who can look that much alike and not be him. Either way, it was a cool video.
Work was a drag as always. Had several planograms that had to be done. Started with the Baby Born/ Baby Annabelle one. Took me some time to get it done, as there were much that had to be removed and be put somewhere else. Got it done before the staff meeting.
The meeting was like we were back at school. Had to take a test that the boss had made and we should get scores of what we knew. Might be useful, but when she told us, everyone was acting like it was some kind pop quiz at school.
Then she told us that they’d come to the conclusion that we should start with getting “prikker” on how we do our job. Ex: if we miss 4 prices on the items, we get a “prikk” And then a new one at 6, 8 & 10. If we get more than 10, we get a “prikk” for each one we miss. The one with the fewest gets a bottle of wine. This will go on a weekly basis. I have a feeling that if (say I) get more than 30 dots, I’ll get a warning and in the end fired. There are several that feel the same way and that the boss is squeezing us out to get in some new personal.
Got home around 10PM. Went to bed almost right away.

Wednesday: Got up at 9, watched tv while eating breakfast.
Started work at 1130 and had to continue with what I started yesterday. Got almost finished, but have one section left.
Was a quiet day at work, not so many costumers as earlier. But the ones that were in the store, nagged as usual.
Got home around 915PM and had to make me some food. Dead hungry. Watched the rest of ep 2 of Battlestar Galactica before the premiere of Invasion. In the middle of episode 2 right now and I’m certain that Mariel and her husband are aliens. Or their bodies have been invaded by aliens. It sure looks like that to me. Have to keep watching the series, cause I like this sort of things. I kinda like Dave, he’s so sure everything is cover-up. Wouldn’t surprise me that it is. Just like Area 51. Nothing against the ones who doesn’t believe in that sort of thing. I’m sure that it’s something else out there that we don’t know about yet.

One more day of work and then weekend! And wedding on Saturday and Confirmation on Sunday. Busy weekend.

Thursday: Had to be at the register all day. Wasn’t hungry, so I left at 430 instead.
Still no internet connection. Am so pissed and will def call again if it’s not being fixed over the weekend.
Relaxed in the evening. Didn’t do much other than watch some television before I went to bed.

Friday: Went to town and bought some stuff. 2 DVD’s (Bryan Singer & Dean Devlin’s The Triangle and Sin City) and the Spike comic book that was out in July.
Met some old classmates while in town. Some of them I hadn’t seen in years.
Got a visit from roguem in the afternoon. Watched Batman Returns, as that was the only one she hadn’t seen yet. Seemed like she liked it.
Talked for hours..
Went to bed around midnight.

Saturday: Wedding all day long. Luckily for the couple it was a sunny day. And really warm. Elins dress was beautiful (hard to see on pictures..) Håvar looked stressed, but he said he wasn’t.. After the ceremony in the church, Camilla, Erik and me drove home and had something to eat as the reception wasn’t until 4.30PM, and the ceremony was over at 1.40PM.
Met some old “friends” from the time in the Choir. One of them didn’t recognize me, and was “shocked” how small a world we live in.. hehe
The reception was long, and we were all starving when the food was being served.
Loads of speeches and songs. Got some time in between when people could go outside, smoking or just talk.
The dinner was over around 9 and after the dessert we got told that it would be cake and some entertainment later. That meant that the cake cutting would start at 11.30PM and there were several that had plans early on Sunday. I had the confirmation and Camilla and Erik was driving home to Oslo. So we left around 11. My feet hurt so much I had to go bare-feet. Didn’t bother me as the ground was warm and pebble free. Came home around midnight. Dead tired and went to bed right away. Fell asleep within 10 minutes.. Only problem was that I woke up during the thunderstorm and used 90 min to fall asleep again.

Sunday: Woke up when I heard the church bells started to chime at 10. So happy that I had decided not to go to church to see the formal confirmation, just be at the party later. Got picked up by the parents just before 1PM. Rainy day, but not that bad.
None of the extended family had seen me with curls and thought I suited them. Made my face look softer or something.. The food was good. Starving and still full from the food at the wedding. Don’t know if that’s possible, but felt like it.
Afterwards it was coffee at the Fiskaa house. Talked with Charlotte most of the evening. (my cousins girlfriend) And I got confirmed that it is Lars Christian playing bass in Erik Faber’s music video. So I was right!
Came home around 7.30. Tired and stuffed. Watched some tv before I went to bed. Work tomorrow and hopefully the new modem will arrive.

Monday: Work from 9 to 5. Had to be at the register as usual from 10 to 1, cause the bosses can’t be there and the new apprentice hasn’t learned how to use the till yet. Decided to keep a log on how much I actually have to be at the till every day/week.
Got some prices changed and refilled the stacks but that’s about it what I did that day. Bought a Superman Returns poster. Have to buy one of Jack Sparrow as well when I get my pay check..
No pick-up slip in the mail. Watched some tv and figured I should start watching The Triangle. Watched the first DVD (night 1). I like the show so far.

Tuesday: Woke up around 9. Really bad pain in my leg, but it didn’t hurt all that much when I stepped on it. But when I got to work it was worse. I limped all day and it was swollen and I couldn’t bend the foot or the toes.
Got an SMS from Telenor that the modem had arrived at Meny, so I called my mom and asked her if she would do me the favour and picking it up, so I could test it when I got home at 9-9.30.
Met my cousin Sofie on the bus home. She’d made dinner for her brother and was on her way home. Invited her to come over on Saturday.
Came home and tested the modem. Same problem with this one. No connection, and it was too late to call Costumer Services as they close at 8.
Watched some of The Triangle before I went to bed. Foot still hurting like hell.

Wednesday: Pain! Pain! Pain! Could hardly stand at the foot when I woke up, so I decided to stay home and get a doctor appointment.
As said as done. Called the boss (think I woke her up. Hehe) after I called the doctor. Called Telenor and told them I still have the same problem with the new modem, and now(!) they think it’s the phone line that’s causing the problem! They’re so frigging idiotic it’s not even funny.
Went to the doctor and he told me that he thought it unwise to go to work the rest of the week as it’s concrete floors and I was “bleeding under the skin”. So I’m on sick-leave. Called the boss and told her. She demanded me to keep the leg as high as possible.. Yah, I knew that! That’s what I always do when my feet are swollen or hurting. Watched the rest of The Triangle. In the words of Van Montgomery: It…..Was…Awesome!
Got a visit from roguem and her mother, as she (the mom) wanted to see my sofa. I’m sure she’s seen it before, but it was nice with company. Got some toffifee, tea and pistachio nuts. Yum..
They left around 8 and I watched Battlestar Galactica, the premiere of Ghost Whisperer (seen it before, but Wentworth’s in it!) and Invasion before I went to bed. Got a dinner invitation from my mother and going “home” tomorrow, as I have some bills to pay. Can’t do it here.. Fucking Telenor!
Watched Battlestar Galactica (they started the series today, and had aired the mini series prior to this. Good job to get people hooked), Ghost Whisperer and Invasion before bed. Even though I’ve seen the first two ep of GW I had to see this one. W.E.M is in it.. Good looking guys is always an excuse to watch something, eh?
Invasion is still bugging me. In a good way. I know there’s something about the Sheriff and the body Dave and Russel found, is not an alien, it’s Kira’s mother, and I’m pretty certain that the Sheriff has something to do with it. No shock if it turns out that he’s an alien. He sure looks like one!

Thursday: Still hurting in the leg, and no internet, so I had to take a trip to my parents to pay some bills. Got dinner and surfed a bit on the net, while I was there. Had several mails that had to be read too. Earlier I got an ad in the post from a lamp store that had up to 70% sale on some of their lamps. And I really wanted one of those. Showed the ad to my mom and said that I needed a lamp in the corner table. My dad said we should go buy one, so we did. I got the one I wanted. A Tiffany lamp! Lots of colours and 70% off! (Nearly 1200 NOK off, not bad) The lamp is so cool, and it’s the same size as the one Adelai Niska has on his table. Not the same colour though, but still.. I’m sick, I know, but those lamps are so cool!
Got home and watched the first episode of “So You Think You Can Dance” from the US. I don’t wanna know who wins, I wanna see for myself. I have to say that some of them (especially the first guy) could NOT dance at ALL! He didn’t have rhythm and looked terrible. Think he called himself Dave “Sex” or something. If you think you can dance, you’re WRONG dude! Even I can dance better than that. Wouldn’t have gone far, but at least I have rhythm! Some of them were really good. Like the guy that danced ballet and twirled. He was good and cute. Don’t remember the name, but I think he’s one of those I’ve heard have gone far in the competition. Not sure..
Went to bed early as the leg hurt like hell.

Friday: The pain in the leg is almost gone. Hurts sometimes, but that was only when I walked for a long time (had to go to the food store, no food left)
Watched tv most of the day. Got another SMS from Telenor that I should restart the modem and try to log on, as they couldn’t find any errors on the modem. Still didn’t work, so I had to call them AGAIN and explain that it was no contact with the ADSL phone line. So today they figured it’s time to send someone to see what the problem is. And since it’s Friday, they won’t be able to send someone until next week. That means over 2 weeks with no internet connection, just because they can’t figure out that they probably should start sending people right away, when they can’t fix it themselves. So fucking annoyed that they use this long to figure things out. Not very good service if you ask me.
Almost gone so far that I’ll end the prescription with them and refuse to pay the 1000 NOK I have to if I end it within the first 12 months. I guess I’ve used nearly half of it calling them the last 2 weeks anyway.
Tomorrow I’ve invited my cousin Sofie and roguem for a girls-night. Have no clue when they arrive, and whether or not I should prepare some dinner for them. Have to ask them tomorrow. So tired now, and it’s weekend. Glad I don’t have to go to work tomorrow either. Guess I wouldn’t last that long standing up for 4 hours. The leg hurts when I stand too long and walk too much. My mom said I could borrow her crutches if I had to much trouble walking..
If it’s not all good on Sunday I might.

Saturday: Didn’t sleep very good all night. Woke up several times and thought there were something wrong. Have had that feeling since Thursday. Something’s about to happen, I’m sure of it!
Got up around 10 and watched some tv before I had to go to the nearest mall. Had to but a stapler and a case I can keep my warranty receipt, and I figured I could invite Sofie and roguem for dinner, since they’re coming anyway. So I bought some chicken we can roast. When I got home I watched a movie on the telly. Eloise at the Plaza or something. Cute. Got a call from roguem and she asked when she should be here and that she has to leave around 8.30, as she’s going on another interview with the guy from Penelope Films. Think it was something that she could be an assistant to him from now and to the filming starts in January. Don’t remember, have to ask her when she arrives. Wish her all the best, even though the assistant job doesn’t give her money, just the experience. Either way, she got a good foot in the door for the project.
Have to go preparing the food soon. I’m hungry now..

Sofie arrived around 4.30 and her mother (my ex-aunt) was with her. Kristin brought a flower to congratulate me with my apartment. Haven‘t seen her since Grandma‘s funeral in November. When she left I decided it was time to start cooking the dinner. Sent an SMS to roguem and told her that I’d started with the food. Was a nice evening. Sofie told me that from what I’d told her about Serenity on our boat trip earlier this summer, she had decided to see it. And she liked it. So, in order to get to “know” the characters even better, we watched the first disc of Firefly. And she’s hooked. YAY! Another Browncoat! Her favourite of the crew is Wash, but as roguem and me she likes’em all. J
Roguem left around 8, but came back an hour later or so. And she’d gotten the assistant job, starting Monday. Wish her all the best. Sat talking until they decided to leave around 10.30. Roguem was tired and I guess so was Sofie after a “hard day of shopping”. Watched the rest of Ghost Ship before bed. Not a very good movie.. But some familiar faces in it. Like the guy from “Taken”, Karl Urban, and Ron Eldard. Fell asleep almost instantly my head hit the pillow. Only 4 days of work next week before a week of vacation. Hope my internet connection is up until then. My guess is that the Montour won’t be able to come fix it until Friday. I need my internet! I need my mail! I need my LJ! I need my music!

Sunday: Woke up around 1030. Watched tv all day. Read some books, but other than that, not much happened. Not very much good on the tv either, so I guess I’ll see a movie later. If I’m not too tired for it..
Work tomorrow. Don’t wanna go!
Watched Sin City before I went to bed. Haven’t seen the movie since I saw in the theatre when it first came out. And that’s over a year ago! Didn’t see all of it as I was so tired I almost couldn’t get off the couch. Skipped a few chapters as I remembered most of what happened in the end. Yellow Bastard and the pits.
Leg has started to hurt again. It’s like a pin poking the leg, and it feels like it’s a cramp, but it’s not. Painful that’s for sure. Will go to work tomorrow, but if the pain continues I’ll go to the doctor again. Can’t go around like this.

Monday: The pain is almost gone, feel it sometimes, if I stay too long on one foot. (leaning on it) Work today was a drag as always. Started the day with changing prices as we have a big sale. Then it was till time. Jupp, had to stay at the till again, but today I had to stay there until Christoffer arrived as Hilde was in a car-crash on Saturday. She’s alright, just a bit shaken and afraid of driving at the moment. Can’t blame her.. Think I sold at least 50 Bratz dolls in the 4 hours I stood at the till. Didn’t do much after that. Got a call from Entel and they told me due to sickness, they had to come fix the internet either tomorrow or Wednesday. Like I suspected that they’d manage to do that today. Not likely! While in the information I checked for a Trivial Pursuit for a costumer and found out that we’re getting “TP - the 1990’s” Might be fun, if there’s some good questions in it. Got a ride from Øyvind when I was going home. He lives nearby and we talked about how life was when we went to Junior High. (we went to the same one, just not on the same time. I’m 6 years older than him.)
Found out we had some of the same teachers and knew a few of the same people.. Not a shocker there! Came home at 5.30. Made some dinner while watching telly.

Tuesday: Think I got a really good night's sleep. Woke up all relaxed, but that changed rather quickly. Got this "darkness" hanging over me, didn't feel anything. Just empty. Horrible feeling that lasted all day! I certainly didn't want to be nice to the costumers. Was so drained when I came home that I didn't do anything, just went to bed.

Wednesday: Long day at the register. Luckily there was plenty to do, so the time went rather fast.
Got a ride home with Øyvind and was home before 9. Watched Ghost Whisperer and Invasion before I went to bed.

Thursday: Managed to get the "to-do" list done and refill the Bratz sections before I went home. Got an hour off early as I had to stay that extra hour at the staff meeting. Went to town and visited a former co-woker, as the store she worked in had a grand opening today. Loads of fun stuff there. The store's called "Indiska". They sell everything from bracelets to sofas.
Went by a music store and asked if they would get the limited editions of the Star Wars episodes (IV-VI) and he had never heard of that. So I guess the best thing to do is order them online. Got home and made dinner while watching tv the rest of the evening. Had to watch "So you think you can dance" hiiiillarious!


3 weeks of updates.

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