Same drill, posting up stuff I and others have spotted. Will add any that appear in comments or via other media as they appear.
The Guardian - All stories in 140 chars via Twitter
The Economist - Theme Park
CBBC News - New reality show
Daily Mail - Home Secretary goes shopping
The Sun - Ukraine national anthem
Teh internets
Gmail - Auto-response to your received emails
Google AU - Internet linked rugby ball?
Wikipedia - Front page madness
LiveJournal - Auto LJ-cut, auto posting random guff, etc
Google - CADIE (via
BBC/iPlayer - Now available on a toaster
Google Sightseeing - Now covering OS maps
XBox - New game "Alpine Legend"
World of Warcraft - Pimp my ride! (via
Firebox - various new items
ThinkGeek - Unicorn Chaser, Squeezy Bacon, etc
iwantoneofthose - Various inc digital contact lenses
BMW - Magnetic towing