Jan 02, 2008 20:12
Just finished "World War Z" by Max Brooks. And no, I haven't read his other one about Zombie survival.
Good book. More in the lines of thought provoking than stellar writing. That's not to say it's not a good read.
So I've been feeling pretty blah since I finished it. And thinking about emergency preparedness. And taking care of my children. And my brain goes *there* as in, if there was something like a zombie outbreak, or nuclear war, or alien invasion, or some freakin' disaster how the hell would I take care of my kids? How would I keep them calm and quiet instead of giving our position away? How could I move fast enough? How could I love them enough? How could I protect them?
There's an image in the book about a fantastic sculpture of a man (I think zombie) who is shuffling along and still wearing a torn baby bjorn. And I think, "that man had a baby he loved and worried about and what if it were me?"
So I think about how ill prepared I am for anything whether it be plague, freaky weather, or the walking dead and did I really do my children any favors when I had them? Bringing them into such a crazy world with war and terrorists and viruses and school shootings and kidnappings and so much insecurity and unhappiness.
It feels extraordinarily selfish of me to have had them since they bring me so much happiness. What kind of person am I that I don't have a plan or way to protect them?
So I spent most of my day wandering the house trying to clean, settling arguments, kissing boo boos and running a mental checklist in my head of disaster preparedness and what should I stock my car and home with and where the paperwork is and do I buy lots of medicines and how long can you hoard painkillers and antibiotics and should I learn to fire a weapon -
And then I realized as I delved even more into this morbid thinking that if I needed to spend my time mobilizing my resources and planning something I could put my skills and thoughts to a better and more important use.
Planning this year's trip to Disney.
So my current mantra right now is "Disney not Zombies".
Breathe in. Disney. Breathe out. Zombies.
Disney. Yes. Zombies. No.
Yes. I am that weird.