I have spent the past two weeks going over Marx and Marxism in two of my three courses (if my Linguistics course had joined in the fun, I think my brain would have exploded). That ended last week on Friday, when I had to sit through this asinine substitute-preceptor natter on about Marx and how he loved his children and therefore would NOT say that love of a gifted fountain pen was a result of species-alienation.
Just... *taking a deep breath*
No, I'm not going to get started. I'm not, even though she was WRONG, and I'm FINE. Christ. I'm so glad that Joao, my preceptor, is back. So glad.
Anyway, last Friday at 4:30PM, Marx ended for me. Or, so I thought. I felt like having a party, but instead had a beer.
So, just now I was (innocently) working through my Social Stratification (Sociology course) reading variations on theories of the Elite... and hidden among my assigned essays, like a fresh turd, is a Marxian perspective.
I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE. With Marx, and post-Marx (i.e. the bastardy commonly known as Marxian/modern Marxist scholastics).
But I was strong, and began reading.... only to discover gross stupidity at the end of the first paragraph. Seriously, I have not yet finished this essay, but I just know it is going to suck.
Because: (1) Marx was pretty clear about caring only about production. That was his Thing. Everything else (like politics, this author's cross to bear) was secondary. He didn't need to explain politics. (2) There were two classes -> the bourgeois and the proletariat. Finis. Marx would have personally shot someone who decided to create a third, "governing" class. (3) RE Marxians in general <- MARXIAN THEORY IS A CHEAP COPOUT OF MARXISM AND MARXIANS WOULD BE THE FIRST AGAINST THE WALL IF THE REVOLUTION CAME (if Marx had his way). Activism is built into Marxism. You can't take it out.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind as much if the author just did what HONEST Marxians do, which is to acknowledge that there have been developments in the world since Marx died, developments that (*gasp*!) Marx did not foresee, and so the Marxians are tinkering with things a bit. As opposed to this asshole, who started out his essay whining about Marx's lack of clarity in one area (an area Marx obviously felt was beside the point!).
Ok. I have to get back to reading. I'd make this a more substantive critique, but I need to get my homework done, not stay up until 4AM writing (what would inevitably become) an essay on Marxism vs Marxian scholarship.
Freaking A. Six months ago, the last thing I saw myself getting worked up over was Marx. And I do mean the *last*.