Yesterday my bed frame and area rug came in within 45 minutes of each other. Spent most of the evening putting together
the bed, then the rest of the night placing both it and
the rug in conjunction with the rest of the furniture. After 2 consecutive views of In and Out I had finalized everything... and put my shoes away under my bed
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Also, new rug? Fabu.
Also also, Boo is a freak. A cute, boob-loving, stumpy freak. But I loooove her!
I am also glad about being able to fit a sleigh bed, and it truly is gorgeous. I have decided that the bed is a "he," and his name is Thumper. I was possibly inspired by your icon. *snurking*
Yeah, I gave up on the circular rugs when they were all both too small and too granny-chic. I did a 5x7 search on eBay, and came across this one fairly on. It's glorious, obviously hand-made, and thick. The cats love lounging about on it, and I agree: it feels nice under my feet. Actually, I'm saving this seller because they used FedEx ground, were incredibly prompt and communicative, and wholesale by the square foot. Ergo, the insane deal I got on the rug (it really is insane ( ... )
But really, Thumper? Prophetic?
I'll try to call when I get off the phone with Mom, yes?
Hmmm, hopefully? Actually, I was responding to your Flash icon. It inspired me. ^^
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