new years '08

Jan 01, 2008 17:53

i haven't actually done one of these new years retrospectives in a while, but 2007 warrants it, and i think i'd like to be able to look back on all of this and see where i was 1/1/08, at the very least.

2007 has, for the most part, been a stressful year. stressful, but good.

- in 2007 i cleared away all of my credit card debt, an amount totalling over $20k (a not-inconsiderable sum when taking into account the interest rates they all had and how much i make per annum). i am now debt-free, and am in the process of spending what i need/want to before socking money away like gangbusters.

- in 2007 my family life became, once again, interesting (it goes through an annual alternating cycle):
1. my brother went to iraq (where the army lost all his military records post-west point; where he is bored out of his skull; where bootleg movies are 10 cents a pop)
2. my sister-in-law got pregnant (where she got prenatal epilepsy, and now is confined to bed-rest; where my parents treated her like crap for 11 months out of this year and well for december; where she is very happy and positive, except for not being able to do anything)
3. my mother got more insane (where she is apparently in competition with my sister-in-law; where i am, once again, a cold, unfeeling lesbian of a daughter; where the real estate business has been crashing and money's tight, but she and my dad still spend $10k on a time-share in florida)
4. my father got repeatedly hospitallized (where my dad's gall bladder, kidneys, blood pressure, and, ultimately, prostate are all out of whack and he's going in for surgery next week; where, for a time, he thought that a Mysterious Virus was his problem and that Antibiotics were the cure)
5. ish was amused (because at this point, i can't be anything else)

- in 2007 i finally watched all of South Park. Best Show Ever. Imaginationland? AMAZING.

- in 2007 my computers died and, after over 6 months of having no computer, made the switch to Macs. final opinion? macs = thumbs up.

- in 2007 i transferred from Planning to Human Resources in my store, making the jump with no HR experience and just one year under my belt with CTS. i now have been in HR for eight months, and... making the switch was one of the best things i have ever done for myself and, i think it will turn out, my writing. working in HR has taught me a lot about people- how i look at them, how i feel about them, and how i want to interact with them. when i say "look," i really mean "see," and i really do think i see a lot more clearly now... with a lot less romanticism, a heavy dose of pragmatism, and a lot of compassion.

until this year, i fell into the trap of idealizing people, to both good and bad extremes. now, i mean people, not persons in specific. people were more academic dreams than anything else, and i rather feel that i was like a stereotypical revolutionary, talking about freeing the people and creating the true proletariat, etc. a lot of this is because i have, for the most part, led a sheltered existence. while i have experienced much of diversity, i ultimately don't know much about the other aspects of life, and people. working in human resources has given me a new constant experience in reality (and not the "reality" parents like to talk about, either), and i'm grateful for it.

- in 2007 i was hit by hormones, hard. i'm edging up on 30 (!!!), and since 30-35 (i believe) is a woman's sexual prime, i have been living a hormonal rollercoaster. example- ish developed a massive crush on her HR district manager- a crush worthy of only a 14 year-old. on the bright side, i am karmically screwed in regards to him, because every time he shows up in my store is the one day of the month when i'm schlepping it (and sick/on my period/hung over/etc.). someone up there obviously hates me.

- in 2007, the christmas spirit bit me. there is a christmas tree in my house. i'm a bad jew, sue me.

- in 2007 margolia moved in and nyanone moved out.


- to not work more than 42 hours a week (except in xmas season)
- to write (both my serious work and erotica)
- to get my eyes corrected
- to get my pudgy tummy in shape
- to Get Out and Socialize

writing, family, cts, brother, new years

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