My Latest Desktop

Oct 25, 2006 01:43

It occurs to me that I probably didn't share my Kenshin desktop with anyone except maybe griffin_rider.  (This is because of the level of wow I experience with her artwork, which causes me to want to share anything that I create that might be remotely artistic) If anyone wants to see it.  I didn't make the desktop of that one myself.  Just a couple of matching program skins. But here is what it looked like.  The skins for Trillian and Rainlendar are designed to match the color scheme "Default" on Winamp.  The poem is a haiku widget that I sometimes have running, depending on the subject matter of the desktop.  It seemed to fit in.  The clock is a skin on Sysmetrix which I made a while back and rarely change other than to change the colors of the hands numbers and the central dot between gold and silver.

Today's subject is Fullmetal Alchemist.

I'm somewhat prouder of this one because I did create the desktop myself from scratch.  Did the Rainlendar skin the same day. (rainlendar skins are amazingly simple, since they usually only have two bitmaps I just pick one that is a shape and size that is easy to work with, and create a new bitmap, credit the original author and off we go.  The Trillian skin is based on whistler (if I remember) and like the rainlendar skin is designed to match the Fort Knox color scheme of my WinAmp bar.  I create my desktops with spaces around the edges specifically designed to accommodate the habitual locations of my programs and menu bars etc.  I always have Trillian open and docked to the side, and WinAmp docked to the top.  (That's why I make a matching skin whenever I change up my desktop.)

Anyway, if anyone wants either the desktop bitmap, (or the full size version without the backgrounds and edges) fell free to ask.  Same goes for the Trilly and Rainlendar skins.  Chat me up on ICQ or something, and I'll send them direct.  The trilly skin zipped is pretty small.
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