Imports and Exports

Mar 04, 2022 02:03

I guess it's needless to say that given LiveJournal is now a Russian owned and Russian run company, many of us in the west are concerned given the current situation, that we may very well find ourselves unable to access our LiveJournals. I HOPE it doesn't come to that, but it's something that is on our minds.

Given that concern, I made a DreamWidth account and thought I could use it as a backup since Semagic is supposed to work with both and it's supposed to be possible to cross-post from DW to LJ (It's not anymore btw. at least not at present.)  It's also supposed to be possible to import your entire LJ into DW. This was working for some as of posts I saw on Feb 2 (I think). So yesterday I started trying to do that.

Well given that LJ my journal import into DW as a safety measure has failed (though I was able to import my tags and userpix and other things... just not entries.  I have used the tool provided to download all of the CSV files.  I copied them into another folder and converted them to HTML files. (done by changing the extension to html... go figure.)

The CSV file opens with Excel.
The HTML file opens with a browser into a more or less readable format. There's a little bit of formatting weirdos that act as the headers of the entry. No comments included though, alas, but at least the entries are preserved in some way.  Maybe DW will figure out a way to import from CSV or HTML.

It seems that you can also get an XML file, I downloaded one... and it seems like I was able to look at it in the browser, but it's coded. It's still readable.  I feel like the first time I opened it with Firefox it followed the code and somewhat formatted it into a readable... well I don't remember. Maybe it wasn't. It's bedtime though, so I'll fiddle with it after work tomorrow.

It's kind of been a pain in the behind, but at least I have the files and they're reasonably organized and file coded by date. If anyone else is looking at this problem and feeling this way.  I hope this is helpful.

My name is the same on DreamWidth if you want to add me to your circle when you get there or if you're already there.  It's pretty nice. The platform has the feel of LJ back in the days before they started adding stupid 'features' to try to make it more like FxcxBook and less like a blog.  So there's that. I haven't dug into the code of the layouts yet. I need to find a clean CSS of something so I can plug things into it.  So at present, though I loaded the CSS from my Spring Argyle layout, it's not displaying correctly. Sorry. but I'm visible. That's what's important.

Now it's really and truly bedtime.  Nighty night.

dreamwidth, livejournal

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