The other thing

Feb 02, 2022 23:53

I don't want to rant about this on Facebook, because I'm still mad about it, and I yet I don't want to offend anyone that might be a coworker. But yesterday a thing happened that really upset me. It upset me a surprising amount and I'm still not over it... So I need to rant about it and get it off my chest.

So I work in a pharmacy store. No need to say which one. Generally speaking I love my job, love my customers, love my coworkers, and feel like the company takes pretty decent care of us. Now since the CDC changed their guidance, to a ludicrous 5 days (corporate pressure anyone?) for people to be out, when they test positive for CoViD-19... What is it? 5 days from the time you test positive? or 5 days after you develop symptoms yourself? I don't know the answer, and when I asked about this at work, they didn't know either. This is the same crap I dealt with in 2020, when NOBODY KNEW ANYTHING, or what to do or how to handle people being out or anything, SO I missed 100% of a month because I MIGHT HAVE had CoViD. We'll never know, because at that time, nobody could get tested unless they were sick enough to be in the ER and I wasn't, and my symptoms at the time were not what they were calling typical (but now they say that a lot of people experience it that way. So when I felt well enough to come back to work, suddenly someone exposed my daughter, who in turn exposed US, so that's another 2 weeks quarantined in 2020 before I ever got to go back to work.

Now we've had CoViD-19 running through our staff. Here is how it goes:

One of our people is out long term. We don't know when they will be well enough to come back if ever.

One is suspected to have CoViD-19, but has shopped for a doctor who won't test them for CoViD-19 but was willing to write a note saying that they have symptoms consistent with 'an upper respiratory infection'. This one refuses to wear a mask, claiming a medical exemption that I can tell you 100% is based in false science. Instead this person wears a face shield which does nothing to protect him or the people around him. This person is also not vaccinated, claiming that because they have already had CoVid-19 that they don't need to be vaccinated. (again, at the very least misleading science.) I like that person but generally speaking avoid being in any kind of contact with them for any period of time. I guess the doctor cleared them to come back to work today (my day off)

Now the third one was out because their parent tested positive for CoViD-19 and they and my coworker both developed symptoms. My coworker did not test and it's been implied that they did not test IN CASE they did not develop symptoms, so they didn't have to miss 5 days of work. Well they DID develop symptoms, and were out for 5 days PER the CDC guidelines. But at that point, I hadn't been told that I'd been told they didn't test positive (and wasn't told it was because they didn't test at all.) HOWEVER, shortly after arriving they asked me if I could cover for them for a few minutes on front registers (NOT MY JOB... NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT) So I thought they just needed to go to there rest room, and agreed anyway since we're so short handed right now. Turns out, after I've already brushed past them that this person DID have symptoms of CoViD and did not test... and they want to be relieved because they feel hot and want to go and stand in the cooler for a few minutes. WHAT??? I ask "What? Why do you feel hot?" and the answer "Because I had COVID... Still have it really..." ... no... What THE ACTUAL FUCKERY IS THIS? I'm really flabbergasted at this point. If I had known this was the case, I would have not been any where near this person. and would have covered in the other register... but I was stuck now. In this unclean place with a giant line... UPSET and STUCK there unable to escape.

Because I am shouting, In my TYPERY I can see that this is still pretty upsetting. The thing that upsets me the most is that this person is my friend. My work friend. and they KNOW how careful I have been, and how careful I continue to be. THEY KNOW that I just lost my brother, that I have a 91 year old mother who tries to do everything herself, and that I DID NOT SEE my mother for an entire year because we were TERRIFIED to bring CoViD-19 to her door if we visited her. So now, I don't care HOW slight the chance is that I've been exposed. There is no way I'm going to go see my mom during the next two weeks until I"m 100% sure I'm not carrying. SO MAD about this. I explained to my manager why I was so upset. I'm sure my coworker things I'm being ridiculous and maybe I am... but I'm not putting my mom at risk and I feel VIOLATED that I wasn't told the truth and put myself in ONE SCRAP of risk of infecting my mom when I have been so gods damned careful.

Why do I feel so violated? Because I wasn't given honest information. Because I ended up standing in the fug of a COVID patient UNNECESSARILY because I was not given enough information until it was too late to do anything about it for 15 minutes. and because now, if my mom calls because she NEEDS something. I either have to put her at risk until I know 100% that I'm not, or I have to try to find someone I trust to have been as careful as I've tried to be to go to do the thing for her. Especially since locally now, there are only ME and her 88 year old SISTER to call.

That's why I feel VIOLATED and I'm STILL MAD... But I'm done ranting about it I think. I have to go back to work tomorrow, and hopefully act like nothing happened. I will avoid being in close contact with my coworker (and my other coworker too) until the requisite time *I* feel is safe has passed. Someone (several someones) hasn't been careful, and it wasn't me.

One a lighter note, I've pounded on my keyboard so much that my batteries died. Probably the amount of backspacing I've done because I couldn't see what I was doing.

work, ranting

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