So... I got this big monitor and now it's possible to watch stuff on one side and do stuff on the other. So I was watching FMA 2003 Episode 38 a little while ago. The episode is mostly filler even to the alternate story that was told in 2003 to be honest. Only a few references of any importance occur. So in this episode Ed and Al arrive in some rando town after their vehicle breaks down, and the two of them get into a fight. Eventually, towards the end of the episode at sundown, Ed goes looking for Al. Al is sitting down by the river just like he would do in Resembool when they were little kids. Next to him are three small toys he has transmuted out of the riverbank clay. 1) a horse (initially shown to be fancy and detailed in full tack) 2) a simple touring style car of the time period. 3) (I assume this is the first one he made) looks to me like a poop emoji. Lol
Now I'm wondering if I ever noticed that before, and if not, why didn't I? and if I did, why didn't I remember it?