I stole this from
shadow27 I find much of this article to be very true:
To Overhaul the System, ‘Health’ Needs Redefining
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/28/health/views/28essa.html?_r=1 And now my commentary that most of you don't want to read, but do read the article above.
Also, though I don't think a national health care option is a particularly good idea (especially not as the ONLY option), because of previous government interference in our health care system and health care coverage, it is now absolutely REQUIRED in order to fix it. We can't just reset back to the 80's when most of us could afford health care either through our employers or by obtaining it privately (which who in hell can afford to obtain it privately now?). And that's directly resultant of mandates placed by the government as are state and federally mandated coverages that not every american needs. Sorry. I'm 42. I don't DO NOT need prenatal care on my health care package, and I'm required to carry it. Yes I am still capable of having a baby, however I am not GOING to have another baby. I know what causes them. I can make my own choices, and I don't need a government baby sitter to tell me what my package has to have. What I need is catastrophic, and I can't have it... most companies have found their insurance reunderwritten in fact if one of their employees has the GALL to have a catastrophic illness and dares to USE their insurance to get life saving treatment. That is what needs to be stopped... and now Government has meddled the cost so high that it would cost about half my mortgage payment just to have health care coverage for myself. New job, same problem. If I pick up health care, I loose ALL the benefit of my new higher income, which I had to have or loose my house.