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Comments 3

lunabee34 May 10 2016, 15:48:12 UTC
I suspect that Sansa will arrive before Jon has time to leave Castle Black.

Tyrion trying to talk to Missandei and Grey Worm was LOL funny. Poor Tyrion. He and Varys are going to end up BFF at this rate because there's no one else to talk to!


ishtar79 May 11 2016, 08:11:42 UTC
I'm fairly certain Varys and Tyrion ARE friends, as much the world's two most paranoid people can be. They certainly are a match intellect-wise, though I bet Tyrion misses having a fun friend who indulges in revelry. And I miss Bronn...


lunabee34 May 11 2016, 14:39:08 UTC

I think they are friends, too, but that the friendship started out of necessity rather than genuine fellow feeling. Give Tyrion a few more weeks of trying to ferret a conversation out of Grey Worm, and he'll be making friendship bracelets for Varys. LOL

I miss Bronn, too. Such a great character with such a smart mouth. He could give Tyrion back as good as he gave.

I wonder who's going to play Lyanna since it looks like we'll be seeing her next episode.


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