Jun 07, 2005 23:31
01.) Name:: *growls* warning: don't call me by this ever unless you have the special rights to... Alissa
02.) Middle Name:: Ann
03.) DOB:: April 13th...know it, remember it, love it.
04.) Age:: 18 wooo! I can buy porn now!
05.) Location:: Florida
06.) Eye Color:: brown
07.) Hair Color:: dark brown... maybe black
08.) Hair Length:: curly, and med. length
09.) Height:: 5'8ish to 5'9ish
10.) Shoe Size:: 9 1/2 to 10
11.) Glasses or Contacts:: both but contacts the most
12.) Braces: I them and I didnt think it was too bad
13.) Single or Taken:: single
:::: School :::
17.) Where Do You Go to School:: graduated Jupiter High soon to be PBCC
18.) Whats Your School Mascot:: Warrior
19.) Whats Your School Colors:: green and gold
20.) Whats Your Favorite Subject:: the class you love to hate to love.. drama
21.) Whos Your Favorite Teacher:: eh....there are so many of them...
22.) What Do They Teach:: Agriculture well, Matt DeCap taught english, so did Miss B and Hilliker well, is he really a teacher?
23.) Who Sits Next to You In Math Class:: uh... first it was Travis, Derek,Jak and Jenny... then I switched out and it was Summer Cornwell, Ross, and Amber
:::: Love Life ::::
24.) Do You Have a Boyfriend/ Girlfriend:: tis to laugh
25.) If So, Whats There Name:: my invisi boyfriend for this week is named Carl
26.) If So, How Long Have You Been Together:: uh... since Monday?
27.) Do You Have a Crush:: eh... maybe ;)
28.) Do They Know:: I don't know.
29.) Have you ever broken someone's heart:: I don't know..prolly not.
30.) Ever Had Your Heart Broken:: hm...*thinks* I can't remember if I did...that means I prolly didnt.
:::: Favorites ::::
31.) Animal:: white tigers as far as wild goes.. doggies for domestic
32.) Color:: lime green/orange/blue/red
33.) Person:: ME
34.) Subject:: english/drama
35.) Season:: spring/summer
36.) Holiday:: uh... I don't know really.
37.) Hobby:: acting, taking pictures
38.) Sport:: DDR
39.) Feeling:: that uh...special feeling? I dont know haha.
40.) Saying:: My mistake i'll take balloons for six hundred haha
41.) Word:: so many but the best one is Dingus
42.) Month:: the May to April month
43.) Clothing:: SHOES!!!!!
44.) Jewelry:: I do love the drama charm that the lovely J-La gave me for graduation.
45.) Food:: Sushi
46.) Snack:: tater tots
:::: Friends ::::
47.) Best:: I dont have best friends!!! Only sisters and brothers
48.) Daringest:: hm... I'ma go with Alex on that one that boy is NUTZ!!!!!
49.) Funniest:: all of them have their funny moments. It's really hard to choose just one.
50.) Tallest:: Matt!!!!
51.) Shortest:: uhI don't know... Amanda or Chelsea
52.) Loudest:: uh...everyone at times
53.) Shyest:: Sarah
54.) Smartest:: Jessica
55.) Blondest:: so many
56.) Craziest:: DDR crew
57.) Nicest:: they are all nice
58.) Sweetest:: everyone
59.) Weirdest:: DDR crew
60.) Flirtest:: for the guys Ricky takes the cake on that one and for girls it's a toss up between Amanda and Brittany
::: Have You Ever ::::
61.) Had a Wish Come True:: uh... I don't know if I ever have wished for real
62.) Had a Dream Come True:: haha, if they did that would be crazy concidering my dreams.
63.) Broken a Body Part:: my ankle
64.) Fallen in Love:: thought I have
65.) Done Something You Regret:: nope
66.) Tripped and Fell in Public:: when havnt I?
67.) Sang in Public:: yeah
68.) Cryed in Public:: on stage
69.) Kissed Someone Besides Family:: yes
70.) Been in a Car Crash:: yeah, minor ones
:::: The Last ::::
71.) Thing You Did Before Getting on the Computer:: hung with the Sarah, Jess, and Britt and the Hank
72.) Person You Yelled at:: hm...prolly family
73.) Person You Hugged:: Hank
74.) Person You IMed::Jess
75.) Time You Cleaned Your Room:: I cant even remember... I never get my room dirty.
76.) Song You were Listening to:: Chemical Party by Gavin DeGraw
77.) TV Show You Watched:: was it Smallville? I think it was!
78.) Movie You Watched:: Phantom Of The Opra <3<3<3<3
79.) Time You went to the Movies:: Sunday-The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
80.) Time You Cryed:: I shed a tear in the car on the way home from the movie haha.
81.) You Took a Shower:: at like 5:30 tonight
:::: This OR That ::::
82.) Coke OR Pepsi:: I'm a part of the pepsi crew.
83.) Tall OR Short:: tallish
84.) Flowers OR Candy:: let's go with neither
85.) Math OR English:: english
86.) Blink 182 OR Sugarcult:: Blink 182
87.) Mickey OR Minnie:: Micky cause he has a really hott pair of shoes and those sexy pants! mmmmmm!mmm! haha.
88.) Middle School OR High School:: high school
89.) Boyfriend OR Girlfriend:: boyfriend
90.) Single OR Taken:: eh... if it's the right guy than taken haha.
:::Word Association ::::
91.) bead:: Treasure Island
92.) bed:: comfy
93.) sexy:: pants
94.) phone:: cellie
95.) tough:: cookie
96.) neato:: smashing
97.) leather:: pants which lead to Lance Bass
98.) weird:: science
99.) so:: your point is...?
100.) easy:: peas
101.) test:: feh
102.) nerd:: revenge of the nerd
103.) falling:: ugh
104.) air:: plane
105.) hot:: stuff
::: Random ::::
106.) do u sleep with a stuffed animal:: my wrinkly
107.) do u like snowballs:: SNOWCONES AND SLUSHIES
108.) are u in school:: schools out for summer baby
09.) do u like to swim:: in pools haha
110.) are u funny:: you know it!
111.) what do u think of water:: it's water
112.) are u a blonde at heart:: no.... *walks into wall* not at all.
113.) have u ever been to maryland:: oooo the cape cod is soo awesome! gotz to go back
114.) have u seen "chasing liberty":: didnt I see it with Jess and Sarah?
115.) are u happy this survey is over:: egh, I guess.