Jun 05, 2005 22:15
Saw the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It was a good movie. I think I shall read the book now. On the way home from seeing the movie I shed a tear in my car. Yep, that's when I cry...when no one can see me! haha, so the Ali is getting soft. Why?
A. She saw a chick flick that she actually liked
B. That chick flick made her shed a single tear.
I know, I know... it was bound to happen right? haha. The company was great too. Sarah, Jessica, and Jai Mi. Jai Mi, did you end up liking the movie? I hope so.
I ran into Mike. He saw the same movie. He said he was on his girls night out. I told him that he always has girls nights out and he said "Yeah, it happens once every 10 minutes." lol. I love Mike. He's cool.
I work 4-9 tomorrow. *coughsarahvisitmecoughbringjesstoocouch*