Because I can...

Sep 19, 2005 14:10

blah, i'm waiting for one of my classes to start, so I thought I'd write a blerb on life and stuff... Yes it's cut so people who don't want to read it don't have to. XP

Yes... evil plans that I have for my RPG website... mwahaha... because I'm poor, I have to have my site Hosted by Brinkster ((yes I say it's MY site because DAMNIT! I did all the fucking coding, I /TRY/ to keep it up-to-date, so yes, it's essentually mine, but I make it for everyone!))

*cough* ANYWAY, brinkster has limitations on it's free hosting stuff, but they do accept ASP forms, and if I code the pages correctly, instead of ME doing the editing of my Player's character Bios - THEY can sign in and change the info and all that jazz... atleast, I'm HOPING that can happen... otherwise I might create a Pay-pal account for the members of the group to donate so I can pay to have a nicer, larger, site w/ room to work w/...

Well, back to real life --

I'm starting to work towards getting DONE w/ my... it feels so insignificant calling my "story" a... well... "story", 'cause it's so much more then that... I'm trying SO hard not to be all possessive and scared to share the fruit of my imagination with other people, but I guess it's human nature...

gah, getting off topic! I'm trying to say that I'm getting better about actually working on it instead of saying "Oh, I'll work on it later". I'm not cured, 'cause it's EXTREMELY hard to kick the procrastination habbit, but I AM trying... really, I wish I could turn it in as my final work for my Creative Writing class, but it's way longer then 1000 or even 5000 words... but that's kinda how it turns out, ne? I think what I might do as my two short stories for the class is take a snippet out of time from ... Guardiana's ((i'm changing the name as I've become more protective of my soul's name...)) past and maybe after "The Guardian Trials" are published I might publish these side stories as follow-ups or whatever... I dunno yet.

I'm also trying my hand at suspence, but I'm not sure how to go about it... I made the working title as "mirror-mirror" 'cause the main character is a gypsy running from her rich, snobbish family... but I won't go into it all, that's just the basic idea I'm trying to work on.

Ok, I /believe/ I'm done with my ranting and stuff... so i'm gonna go play a game for a few before class starts... *waves* matta ne...

>.> <.< >.< I need more icons... *ponders on getting a paid account*

school, writing, life

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