*peels at the moss that has been growing over her feet*
... heh, yeah, I've been that lazy...
I suppose I should keep track of what I have been up to, though, as interesting things have come and gone...
First up -- teh Job Issue...
*headdesk* sometimes I wonder why I do and say the things I do... 'cause I had a wonderful opportunity to work for 3 months under contract for the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs), but I blew it because I had gotten another offer for a retail position in the airport. The retail position had a lot of details that had not been disclosed before I agreed to work for them - and that job lasted all of the 6 hours I was there for training. I know beggers can't be choosers, but in all honesty, forcing a person of my weight to stand for 9 hours a day with only 30 minutes for lunch and the managers will NOT allow you to take a 5 minute break to get off your feet... I'm sorry, but this begger has some standards that have to be met.
So now I'm on the job hunt again. I doubt I'll ever get my job at Macy's back 'cause the HR Manager is the one floor manager that hated my guts while I worked there. But I keep hoping someone will hire me soon... I don't care if it's contract any more. I can learn to manage money... I hope >.>;;;
I suppose Health and Life in General should go next... lemme see... other than a couple minor upsets, family life is good though I'm trying really hard not to be bitchy because my Parents are allowing my sister to get a class ring when it was out of the question when I wanted one... *shrug* I know she's now getting financial support from the government, and can pay for it herself... it's still irritating that, once again, my sister is the favorite...
haha... speaking of upsets... it appears that my family genetics are flaring up again - this time manifesting themselves into my galbladder. Oh....Joy.... *rolls eyes* I was really hoping to get through what there is of my life without majorly visable scars, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen >.< True, I should be grateful I've gotten this far without getting burned or raped or disfigured in some mannor... but I'm gonna bitch about it anyway just to get the responces I'm sure will come in one form or another....
mmm... I'm also finally doing something about re-arranging my room to finally clear up some space so it doesn't look like a stye. *rubs hands* mwahahaha... first, the cleaning out and revamp of my closet... then.... THE WORLD! .... >.>;; or atleast the rest of my room and maybe the house...
Ah yes, I'm gonna tack this tidbit on last 'cause no one really cares about my Anime obsession -- While I had planned on having an outfit done by OtakuMex - my lazyness, job-stressing, and attempts at cleaning my room have forced my sewing project off to the side. Tis a woeful thing, but I should hopefully have something ready by SWACE in March. *knocks on wood* ^^;
Lastly is, naturally, my geek moment where I share all my tech triumphs, defeats, and epiphanies.
Well, like quite a few people I know - I'm chained to Windows like everyone else... and with the release of Service Pack 3, my poor computer with it's many issues finally bit the dust and, try as it might, wouldn't update. So, aggrivatingly, I had to re-install Windows - thankfully only XP Home, cause I'd shoot myself before trying to do so with Vista. Still, even the installation had issues that forced me to call Microsoft's Activation Service. I was lucky I got a representative that, while obviously from India or similar country, was actually fairly fluent in English and was articulate enough to get me through activation without too much hassle.
So here I sit, reinstalling all of my programs... with some needed improvements. I'm trying to use as many open source programs as I can find and I giggled like a school girl when I found out that one of my friend's favorite Linux applications is slowly working it's way over to Windows, and so I shall devote my Geeking Out corner to this program in hopes to spread the love... or atleast the open source!
It's called
Amarok <-- Yes, that is a link. and if you think Winamp for Windows is bad ass, or that ITunes is the best there is - let Amarok show you what a Music Environment can truely be like.
not only does this baby have most of the nifty features that ITunes does (excluding I think the link up with the IPod and a couple doodads), this program is intuitive and adaptive! Now, I have to admit, I don't have over 500 Gigs of Music files, but if I did this program would be my idea of a perfect wet dream~ *cackles* What Amarok does is keep a database of songs you do or don't listen to and how many times you play it, and adapts it's playlist to play the songs you like more frequently than the ones you don't.
I could rant all day about the awesome features, but Amarok's website does that for me~ [
The only deterent that might keep some people from trying this program out is that it doesn't have a direct Windows install program. While it does have a way to install into windows, I don't particularly like how it works and don't recommend it to anyone who isn't very tech savvy (( not even me @~@ )).
So, sadly, I will make do with Winamp and dream such lusty dreams for the day that Amarok makes the cross over into the filthy disgusting world that is Microsoft....*sighs*
*cackles* I think I've been excessive enough... I'll try to post a little more frequently in the future...