woot! I made 1,000 words today!

May 30, 2008 21:45

Meh, not that anyone really cares except me, but it's a big deal.

Why is it a big deal?
 I've never written over 1,000 words while working on one of my own creative stories.  At least, not that I can remember...  and to a professional writer, I'd have to pump out atleast 1,000 words an hour to make any serious progress and average about 8,000 words a day.  But I'm trying to work up to that...

Anyway, it's also a big deal because I'm starting from scratch... again... *headdesk*  My last attempt was sucking like a car with bad gas mileage, and I couldn't stand it anymore, so I scrapped it.  I also had Shey read it over and while she was supportive, she also didn't really like it because it was really slow.  Which I agree with...  I saved a copy to maybe pull elements off of at a later date, but it just wasn't working as a starting point.

My only beef right now is character names.  *clutches her characters*  I know I shouldn't keep my "darlings", but they've been with me for a long time and have been through countless modeling sessions that i don't know if i can just scrap them too.... *sigh* we'll just see how they fit in my newest rendition and if they just don't fit, then I'll just have to try and give them their own story line to play in...

But enough about that...  Onto geek-speak, because this is the only place I can geek without feeling as if people's eyes are glazing over...

Well it's going to be quite a while before I can get my own server, but I'm trying to not have it discourage me.  I just have to crack a whip over my father's head to give me details about stuff I can sell so we can clear space out of not only the garage, but the house and the office down the street.  I swear, I'm going to take before/after shots just to show the amount of shit I have to sort through.

Back to my server, and by extension - my website, I've been kicking ideas around for site designs and I'm almost tempted to use my FS3 characters as... well... it's gonna sound dopey, but I'm wanting to use them kind of like tour guides and give them their own areas of expertise, but Ryuuen as the "master of ceremonies" guide.  Why Ryuuen?  He's one of my favourites, and he doesn't really specialize in anything except in blacksmithing - which I have no experience in.  Besides, he's just a kick-ass guy and I think would be awesome as the main guide to my site.  I've even been trying my hand at drawing him in a pose that I can scan in and use on my website.... *rubs head* but my artistic skills are basic and I really don't want to have to resort to tracing the basic outline....

pleh... but they're just plans at this point....

Ok, geek stuff aside, life has been interesting lately.

Went to outlandish this past weekend, somehow managed to pull the muscles in my upper arms while setting up camp in the rain I might add.  And I started the saga of the Adventures of Snort.  Those pictures can be found at my MySpace page, under "pics".  My only frustration : my brother going back on his word that he'd at least come up for a day.  *shrug* but that's a whole can of worms that I don't want to open.

And on the job-seeking front... things are not going very well.  Because of the crappy economy (( "not in a recession" my ass )), many of the companies in town have pushed back their hiring dates or aren't hiring at all right now.  I'm even getting desperate enough to go in and reapply at Macy's, 'cause according to an old co-worker of mine they are hiring... bleh, I actually did try to re-apply but their computer system was being all bitchy, so I'm gonna try and go in and talk to my old manager and see if she can pull my old application out and see if she can get me a position again.  Now that I'm finally out of school, I don't mind working during the week, but I do think that I'm going to claim Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays off just for my sanity....

hmmm.... can't think of anything else, so.... yeah.... my life, such as it is at this moment.  I can only pray that Karma doesn't decide to take a bite out of my ass any time soon *knocks on every bit of wood she can find* >.>;;;
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