Jun 08, 2004 11:52

okie dokie... I'm sooo sleepy, it's about noon, and i just woke up! I went out on my date w/ Jason, I had a lot of fun. Ryeland called me, and we're gonna chill today, YAY! I'm bored, yawn. I'm probably going to go down to the pool... I hope that there are some people there to chill with... well, like I said Alan already has left so there probably won't be that many people down there o-well...

I talked to Anna last night too. She was staying at a friends house and hopefully today she will be coming over here to play with me.... hehe. I wuv Anna, she's the greatest, she's sooooo pretty! well, I've got to go and eat some more cereal... yummm...

Good Morning er... Afternoon....

Kasey McKay

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