
May 16, 2005 08:54

As I washed my hands in the women's bathroom, a combination of caffeine, nicotine, and a decided lack of sleep made me jump back from the sink when a small bug took off from where it had been resting on the mirror.
As I dried my hands, a sound behind me startled me as the door opened and I turned around in time to see someone beating a hasty retreat the way he had come. At first I assumed it was someone from maintenance, but when I stepped outside and got a good look at him, he had the hungry, unkempt look of the homeless, and he mumbled something incoherent and thrust a worn schedule of classes for next semester into my hands, fleeing as soon as I took it from him, missing my confused "Thank you?"

I then proceeded to breathe rug shampoo fumes in the lab for the next hour.

cudahy, odd, sleep deprivation

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